Pope Francis tells Catholics to stop focusing on the liturgy

Photo ~ Pope Francis' vision for the Catholic Church is a marked departure from his hard line predecessor. THE Catholic Church should concentrate less on procedures and liturgy and get "dirty" and "…More
Photo ~ Pope Francis' vision for the Catholic Church is a marked departure from his hard line predecessor.
THE Catholic Church should concentrate less on procedures and liturgy and get "dirty" and "bruised" by reaching out to people in the street, Pope Francis wrote in a document that was released Tuesday and is seen as a manifesto for his papacy.
Francis, who has consistently shunned papal pomp and protocol, railed against an "ostentatious preoccupation for the liturgy ... without any concern that the Gospel have a real impact on God's faithful people."
"In this way, the life of the Church turns into a museum piece or something which is the property of a select few," he warned.
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🤨 Joseph Ratzinger wrote in the preface to the book by Alcuin Reid "Lo sviluppo organico della liturgia," Cantagalli, Siena, 2013:
"It seems very important to me that the Catechism, in mentioning the limits of the power of the supreme authority of the Church with regard to reform, should call back to mind what is the essence of primacy, as it is emphasized by Vatican Councils I and II: …More
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🤨 Joseph Ratzinger wrote in the preface to the book by Alcuin Reid "Lo sviluppo organico della liturgia," Cantagalli, Siena, 2013:

"It seems very important to me that the Catechism, in mentioning the limits of the power of the supreme authority of the Church with regard to reform, should call back to mind what is the essence of primacy, as it is emphasized by Vatican Councils I and II: the pope is not an absolute monarch whose will is law, but rather the guardian of the ancient Tradition and the first guarantor of obedience. He cannot do whatever he wants, and precisely because of this he can oppose those who intend to do whatever they want. The law to which he must adhere is not that of acting 'ad libitum,' but obedience to the faith. Because of this, with regard to the liturgy, he has the task of a gardener and not that of an engineer who builds new machines and throws out the old ones. The 'rite,' meaning the form of celebration and prayer that matures in the faith and life of the Church, is a condensed form of the living Tradition, in which the sphere of the rite expresses the whole of its faith and prayer, making it possible at the same time to experience the communion among the generations, the communion among those who pray before us and after us. Thus the rite is like a gift that is given to the Church, a living form of 'paradosis.'"
I don't think the Pope realizes how many people he hurts with these words.
He is killing us, and our families.
Who writes this piffle?
Why do the popes advisors not do their job and explain to this 78 year old pope that saying silly things like Catholics should not focus on the Sacred Liturgy of the Holy Sacrefice of the Mass is just plain garbage and that non-sense spoken by the pope will rightly be ignored by the faithful, because the Liturgy is the sole and summit of our life. What a bletheriing skate! …More
Who writes this piffle?
Why do the popes advisors not do their job and explain to this 78 year old pope that saying silly things like Catholics should not focus on the Sacred Liturgy of the Holy Sacrefice of the Mass is just plain garbage and that non-sense spoken by the pope will rightly be ignored by the faithful, because the Liturgy is the sole and summit of our life. What a bletheriing skate! - as we say in Scotland.
When the pope speaks he needs to think very carefully about it first (or keep his lips closed as St Francis guides) and make clear statements not all this fuddled, muddled non-sense.
Our Lord says, say yes when you mean yes and no when you mean no. This pope is not a good communicator at all, he has and is causing his role as bishop of Rome to become something to ignore, not the role of the pope at all.
Lord give Your Vicar the graces he needs to stop with all his big, public (filmed) "humble" cosmetic fuss about staying in a posh hotel instead of the austerity of the papal apartment and the non sense of driving around Rome in a second hand car instead of the gifted car to transport the pope. That kind of "humble" show we can do without.
Help him to do Your will and teach clearly the truth of Your Gospel, Oh Lord.Amen.
"Put all the good works in the world against one Holy Mass; they will be as a grain of sand beside a mountain.” St. John Vianney
Of course he wasn't referring to the Great Sacrilege which has been substituted for the true Mass of all time and resulted in such a falling away and debasement of humanity. And, I'm sure the loss of the Mass has also resulted in the election of the current Pontiff who …More
"Put all the good works in the world against one Holy Mass; they will be as a grain of sand beside a mountain.” St. John Vianney

Of course he wasn't referring to the Great Sacrilege which has been substituted for the true Mass of all time and resulted in such a falling away and debasement of humanity. And, I'm sure the loss of the Mass has also resulted in the election of the current Pontiff who is surely a punishment from God.
Prof. Leonard Wessell
So that the reader might have a visual/audio insight into what draws me to "deep, profound Eternity" I sincerely recommend in YouTube Valaam "Steps to the Skies", Parts 1 - 7. Please take a look and Part 6 and a Russian monk explains in Russian (with English subtitles if need be) just what he and his brothers are seeking. It matches my spiritual depth and, if surrender for "street reaching out", …More
So that the reader might have a visual/audio insight into what draws me to "deep, profound Eternity" I sincerely recommend in YouTube Valaam "Steps to the Skies", Parts 1 - 7. Please take a look and Part 6 and a Russian monk explains in Russian (with English subtitles if need be) just what he and his brothers are seeking. It matches my spiritual depth and, if surrender for "street reaching out", disappears. Than turn to Part 1 for the Tonsure celebrations of new monks. Valam is an atol in the Lodaga Lake north of St. Petersburg, Russia. I know the place and the holiness it radiates. I wil be returning to Russia and would love to spend my declining days there or at any other monastery in Russia. At least, teaching at the Orthodox Seminary offers a chance to hear of "deep, profound Eternity". Valaam monaster vs. Franciscus street reaching. Really no comparison. I cry at what Catholicism is losing. 😇
Prof. Leonard Wessell
The atheist Nietzsche once quite correctly said: "All desire seeks deep, proufound eternity". Alas, the man looked in the wrong place. But his looking evinces more religiosity the Pope Francis's endlessly blurted out seeing. I do seek profound eternity, so much so, if my health permits it, I eventually want to seek to see some profoundity in a monastery. If Francis is correct, monastery life is a …More
The atheist Nietzsche once quite correctly said: "All desire seeks deep, proufound eternity". Alas, the man looked in the wrong place. But his looking evinces more religiosity the Pope Francis's endlessly blurted out seeing. I do seek profound eternity, so much so, if my health permits it, I eventually want to seek to see some profoundity in a monastery. If Francis is correct, monastery life is a false way (I almost want to say a sin, but I am not yet sure how Francis understands "sin", since he continually cautions against the "obsesseion" with abortion). Why? A monastery life removes the believer from the "street". I address myself to Mr. Pope Franciscus:

"I want to worship and approach through my worship the utter solemnity, eternity, infinity, transcendence, absolute "Otherness", the mysterium tremendum et fascinans, in short, the "Holy" (cf. Rudolf Otto's "The Holy"). Those who have a missionary bent are to be praised and prayed for. I am not that way, indeed, I am one of the "oldies" that the Pope says (falsely) are alone. The correct liturgical mood is that of solemnity and the liturgy is the means whereby I express myself appropriately while directing myself to "profound Eternity", obtained for me by the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. Preaching is not liturgy and often a bore. Mr. Pope, your counceling against the liturgy for the street DENIES me the liturgical means whereby I can approach God in His splendor. You, Mr. Pope, abbusizely lecture (thinking, perhaps, that you are preaching to or advising) ME to "get 'dirty' and 'bruised' by reaching out to people on the street' while in reality your are 'bruising' me spiritually by making me feel 'dirty' because of my spiritual needs, a very bad rehetorical style that informs your utterances. From my point of view you have effectively 'sinned' against me and the depths of my spiritual soul. J'accuse!"

(I do meet certain "bums" on the street everyday and blab and show concern for them. They like me, we shake hands and joke. What do they want for me, what could my friendship do for them? Simple, buy them some more beer or, better, get drunk with them!!! If Jesus would pop up it would only be the name of a beer. And then there is the single young lady I met in a class, pregnant and needing care. I tried to comfort but, short of driving her to a hospital for an abortion, she would not calm down. If I had known that my refusal is, according to current papal wisdom, but an "obsession" I would have driven her to the hospital and cheered her on. Necessary result of such 'reaching out': another dead innocent human being! Do not worry, Mr. Pope, the young 'broad' got to the hospital on her own, 'shitted out' (her words) that "thing" in her and is now whooping it up with some other young man. Wait, Mr. Pope, was not Jesus to enter into her heart and, wham and bam, she is, she is to become .... ??? One thing is sure, she had no idea of what "sin" is (communication of which is absence from your missionary style), but, my God, she was immersed in the "dirt" of sin. Obsession does have its value, when street "reaching out" is but a farce.

(I will have to look this up in YouTube, but there is an entry like "Catholic and Russian Orthodox liturgies compared". The Catholic "street" liturgies inspire me to stay home and the Russian Orthodox LITURGY (not preaching), to
use street terminology, turned me on, immersed me in holy worship.)
Pope Francis is a typical South American priest from the 70s. I reckon the "Liberation Theology" is still quite strong in him. 🤨
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Rather than an "ostentatious preoccupation for the liturgy" would Pope Francis prefer more of this?