If you are sheep no one can take you from the LORD's hands. On the feast of the dedication the LORD tells us that no one can take His sheep from His hands. We can rest in the arms of our Shepherd.More
If you are sheep no one can take you from the LORD's hands.
On the feast of the dedication the LORD tells us that no one can take His sheep from His hands. We can rest in the arms of our Shepherd.
Its All Grace. So many think that they can buy God or that God owes them, but all Grace is freely given.More
Its All Grace.
So many think that they can buy God or that God owes them, but all Grace is freely given.
Believers Must Do The Will Of The Father. Obedience to God is what makes a person faithful.More
Believers Must Do The Will Of The Father.
Obedience to God is what makes a person faithful.
Just Let God Forgive you. So many people put up impediments to God's mercy. We need get over ourselves and just let the LORDs mercy flow.More
Just Let God Forgive you.
So many people put up impediments to God's mercy. We need get over ourselves and just let the LORDs mercy flow.
Danka, yep the church is bad lighting, but it is a beautiful Church. If only they would use the high altar all the time there. (Beautiful altar, with …More
Danka, yep the church is bad lighting, but it is a beautiful Church. If only they would use the high altar all the time there. (Beautiful altar, with forbidden organ keys for the servers on the base of the stairs. lol Also a freeze of the moment of revelation/(Last supper) on the base of the altar, also not allowed until the 1920. Oh and the presider's chair, which is old looks like a Cathedra, which was also forbidden, but they played legal games with it, the back does not touch the seat of the chair. lol
Good homily. Lighting was poor. But I pray for this priest to continue to spread the good news of God's mercy and our need for repentance and humility.
Decide If You Want To Give Money To The CCHD. This was a statement I read before Mass the weekend we had a second collection for the CCHD. Since I could not kill cut it out: I gave people the ability …More
Decide If You Want To Give Money To The CCHD.
This was a statement I read before Mass the weekend we had a second collection for the CCHD. Since I could not kill cut it out: I gave people the ability to make an informed choice about the CCHD.
The question is why do they allow this stuff to happen in the Catholic Church!
Great informative video. The CCHD is truly a diablolical organization and it would be mortal sin for a Catholic who knows what this organization is …More
Great informative video. The CCHD is truly a diablolical organization and it would be mortal sin for a Catholic who knows what this organization is funding to give them any financial support or support of any kind.
It's a wonder that this origanization (CCHD) currently exists at all in the holy Church. How did we sit back and let our Catholic identity get hijacked …More
It's a wonder that this origanization (CCHD) currently exists at all in the holy Church. How did we sit back and let our Catholic identity get hijacked ... and then fund it from the pew? Can somebody, please clean the Holy House of God!
A Catholic Education is (W)holistic in Catholic Formation. Catholic schools are training children in the way of the LORD so they will have a safe enviorment to develop their faith. My homily given at …More
A Catholic Education is (W)holistic in Catholic Formation.
Catholic schools are training children in the way of the LORD so they will have a safe enviorment to develop their faith.
My homily given at SS Peter And Paul Church for Catholic Schools Week January 2010.
God Wants Professional Holy Men. The priest must be a man dedicated to God completely, to do this, he must spend a great deal of time with the LORD.More
God Wants Professional Holy Men.
The priest must be a man dedicated to God completely, to do this, he must spend a great deal of time with the LORD.
You know a really great book is ambrose's book on the office of the priesthood. (A great work. It amazes me how you read the church fathers and how …More
You know a really great book is ambrose's book on the office of the priesthood. (A great work. It amazes me how you read the church fathers and how their advice works today, with a few cultural exceptions, and time based issues. Priests would be better served by studying patristics.)
Holyrope 1: Very nice sister....very insightful, and wise........More
Holyrope 1: Very nice sister....very insightful, and wise........
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One Hour With The Blessed Sacrament. Taking some time to be with the LORD was Arch Bishop Sheen's main emphasis, and I think we should really take his advice and sit with God.More
One Hour With The Blessed Sacrament.
Taking some time to be with the LORD was Arch Bishop Sheen's main emphasis, and I think we should really take his advice and sit with God.
CATHPRESBYTER, from what I've learned and or read about the 12 step program..I'd have to agree with you.
The cause for canonization of Archbishop fulton Sheen is steadily advancing. Fr. Andrew Apostoli a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal in New York says he …More
The cause for canonization of Archbishop fulton Sheen is steadily advancing. Fr. Andrew Apostoli a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal in New York says he knows of 4 miracle intercession claims for Archbishop Sheen and Fr. Ambrosi who has worked on hundreds of sainthood causes including Pope John XXIII says he's early in the stages of investigating 2 miracle claims for Archbishop Sheen!
7 more comments
Its Not About Hoops. So many times I think many parents have a minimalistic attitude in reguards to Sacramental Prep. They do the minimum they have to, and this carries over into the child's understanding …More
Its Not About Hoops.
So many times I think many parents have a minimalistic attitude in reguards to Sacramental Prep. They do the minimum they have to, and this carries over into the child's understanding of Sacraments. We need to embrace the prep and teach the child that this is the loving response not the legalistic minimum.
A Call to Implement Vatican II. Vatican II is the unimplemented council. What many think is Vatican II is the spirit of Vatican II, maybe we consider trying to do what the council calls for and not …More
A Call to Implement Vatican II.
Vatican II is the unimplemented council. What many think is Vatican II is the spirit of Vatican II, maybe we consider trying to do what the council calls for and not all this stupid liberalism.
To mark m zima-you are coming in late without knowing why SSPX is being discussed-it is not because of this video by Fr.-it is being discussed in …More
To mark m zima-you are coming in late without knowing why SSPX is being discussed-it is not because of this video by Fr.-it is being discussed in reference to a multitude of other videos and posts on Gloria tv-the discussion did not originate here. I hope this explains the situation to you.
mark m zima
😇 Thank you, father, for being one of the few priests in the Church with the intestional fortitude to speak the truth. It is interesting that the …More
😇 Thank you, father, for being one of the few priests in the Church with the intestional fortitude to speak the truth.
It is interesting that the Society of St. Pius X was brought into the discussion by the posters when you never mentioned the society in your homily. There will be much discussion by moral theologians in the years to come about the morally of the acts of the Society of St. Pius X and the parishners who attend their chapels in light of an ecumenical council that has not been properly implemented in 45 years.
Pax et Bonum!
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Religious Leaders Who Are Unfaithful Will Have Their Things Taken Away And Given To Those Who … The gifts we are given are all from God, and they are to be used for the greater glory of the Kingdom, …More
Religious Leaders Who Are Unfaithful Will Have Their Things Taken Away And Given To Those Who …
The gifts we are given are all from God, and they are to be used for the greater glory of the Kingdom, those who use their gifts for worldly things will have them taken away and given to those who will produce fruit.
That The Church May Be One. I am proposing two models for true ecuminism here. The primary I call Hiearchic Unity, where the goal is to bring the non Catholic into the fullness of the faith. This is …More
That The Church May Be One.
I am proposing two models for true ecuminism here. The primary I call Hiearchic Unity, where the goal is to bring the non Catholic into the fullness of the faith. This is the best and ultimate model, but it I believe it is possible in this fallen world, to consider another model, and this model is co-operative Ecuminism. This is where we work together on issues we have in common for political expediancy, and unite against the secular world. (This is not a hiearchic unity in any way, just two systems co-operating against a common enemy.) Both models must exist in non-compromising in the truth, that is ecumania.
Miss Maria
😇 Amen Father. Thank you for your words, in a whirlwind of disagreements here lately it is important to remember that we are all brothers and sisters …More
😇 Amen Father. Thank you for your words, in a whirlwind of disagreements here lately it is important to remember that we are all brothers and sisters and we must always address and correct eachother in love and always show mercy to eachother. St. John Vianney pray for our priests! May you always be in Our Blessed Mothers' care and protection Father.
Our Lord's Peace Be With You Always,
Always wanting her mantle over me. It is a hard road indeed to try to disagree without being disagreeable How hard indeed to stick for what is important …More
Always wanting her mantle over me. It is a hard road indeed to try to disagree without being disagreeable How hard indeed to stick for what is important without being too hard in your expression. One to remember there comes a time where you will just have to recognize that you can only go so far, and let it go. Because some will be offended even if you are the nicest person possible. This is where real discernment is needed.
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Those WHo Have A Problem With Mother Angelica, Really HAve A Problem With Catholicism. I believe that those who claim not to like Mother Angelica are using her powerful personality as an excuse to …More
Those WHo Have A Problem With Mother Angelica, Really HAve A Problem With Catholicism.
I believe that those who claim not to like Mother Angelica are using her powerful personality as an excuse to attack her, when in reality what they hate is the Historic Catholic Faith.
CathPresbyter, most of the below posts are spam advertising sites with what seem genuine comments, but are mostly bot created, with links to their …More
CathPresbyter, most of the below posts are spam advertising sites with what seem genuine comments, but are mostly bot created, with links to their products., they say exact the same thing about 'blogs' on many \blog comments sites. please delete..them from the folowing fake profiles,williamfitzstephen,
and talkfree88 ,
they sprinkle Christian words with spam/advertising, on 100's of Christian websites/Blogs, they never read or watch videos.... its SPAM
Thank you, frankly I need to post some more, but I am catching up on some major projects. I have some more files converted just need to upload. I intend …More
Thank you, frankly I need to post some more, but I am catching up on some major projects. I have some more files converted just need to upload. I intend to put my entire diagnosis of the illness of liberal Catholicism, and the remedy for it. For unless we point out the problems we will keep having them.
13 more comments
Do You Let The Word Of God Penetrate Your Soul. Are you letting God's word, as revealed in Sacred Scripture, change the way you live your lifeMore
Do You Let The Word Of God Penetrate Your Soul.
Are you letting God's word, as revealed in Sacred Scripture, change the way you live your life
The LIberal Faith Is Not Even Apostolic. When you analize the faith of the liberals you will find it is not the same faith of the apostles. It has no connection to apostolic Christianity, through the …More
The LIberal Faith Is Not Even Apostolic.
When you analize the faith of the liberals you will find it is not the same faith of the apostles. It has no connection to apostolic Christianity, through the apostolic and church fathers. I use Polycarp as an example wh0ose faith is shown to be incompatable with liberalism.
CathPresbyter: Here it is.....It Will Cost You Everything This brother, is a fundamentalist, and I know he loves the Lord, he also, is a rapture hound …More
CathPresbyter: Here it is.....It Will Cost You Everything
This brother, is a fundamentalist, and I know he loves the Lord, he also, is a rapture hound...I have addressed him, on his walk, without the Church, maybe you will have a better success rate....
CathPresbyter: Hold on I will find it, be back in a second.More
CathPresbyter: Hold on I will find it, be back in a second.
3 more comments
The Fire Of God's Self Love Burns Off Our Self Love. Our God, Who is spoken of as a consuming fire, is purgative when it comes to impurity in our love. God can use the trials of our world also to purify us.More
The Fire Of God's Self Love Burns Off Our Self Love.
Our God, Who is spoken of as a consuming fire, is purgative when it comes to impurity in our love. God can use the trials of our world also to purify us.
Cathpresbyter: You are teaching, some good stuff, brother....I am becoming, a big are absolutly right, for the righteous, the fire, is …More
Cathpresbyter: You are teaching, some good stuff, brother....I am becoming, a big are absolutly right, for the righteous, the fire, is purifying, and for the wicked, the fire is his wrath.....its amazing to be Catholic. Keep it up, I like, your stuff...and I am really picky.....

Its All About Disposition. The Mass is capeable of Infinate Grace, the Grace of Our Divine LORD upon the Cross is made present. So why do we not come out of it levitating, because we are not disposed …More
Its All About Disposition.
The Mass is capeable of Infinate Grace, the Grace of Our Divine LORD upon the Cross is made present. So why do we not come out of it levitating, because we are not disposed to the Grace. The Grace is there, but our free will blocks our greater sanctification.
And he said to him, ¨Arise, go thy way, for thy faith has saved thee.¨ Luke 17, 19. According to our faith it will be done unto us. Lord, please increase …More
And he said to him, ¨Arise, go thy way, for thy faith has saved thee.¨ Luke 17, 19. According to our faith it will be done unto us. Lord, please increase our faith. 👍 Keep it up, Father. 😇
Elisha: When my brother Elisha, was testing, Thirdeagle, you will notice, one of the questions, he asked, thirdeagle, was to explain, the Eucharist...…More
Elisha: When my brother Elisha, was testing, Thirdeagle, you will notice, one of the questions, he asked, thirdeagle, was to explain, the Eucharist....and thirdeagle, gave his real identity, at that time, by remaining silent. Most of us, that read, those blogs, missed, what Elisha, asked. But I didn't.....
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Just Because You Disagree With Particular Teachings Of Particular Leaders In The Church Does Not … Many leaders in the Church will quickly try to pull the obedience card on the faithful to get submission …More
Just Because You Disagree With Particular Teachings Of Particular Leaders In The Church Does Not …
Many leaders in the Church will quickly try to pull the obedience card on the faithful to get submission, even when they are contradicting the faith. St. Thomas tells us obedience is in right reason, so don't let them try to paint you as a heretic because they are not obeying or teaching historic Christian Dogma. You submit when they submit, you follow them when they teach Christianity, and if they order you to disobey the Gospel or a superior then they have exceeded their authority.
Tell it like it is, Father... the truth! thank you. 👍
Jesus Teaches God's Intention For Marriage. The issue of marriage is not complex when we look at the words of Jesus. The intention of God was for man and woman to be one flesh, and therefore cannot be …More
Jesus Teaches God's Intention For Marriage.
The issue of marriage is not complex when we look at the words of Jesus. The intention of God was for man and woman to be one flesh, and therefore cannot be separated by men.
Start Off With Small Steps In Prayer. Just some small pieces of advice for those who are starting off in prayer, and claim that they lack the disicipline or attention to have deep prayer.More
Start Off With Small Steps In Prayer.
Just some small pieces of advice for those who are starting off in prayer, and claim that they lack the disicipline or attention to have deep prayer.
👏 👏 👏