Gloria.TV News on the 10th of June 2016 Heretical: Pope Francis claimed in his Thursday homily that the Catholic Church never teaches – quote – “either this or that” but rather: “this and that”. …More
Gloria.TV News on the 10th of June 2016
Heretical: Pope Francis claimed in his Thursday homily that the Catholic Church never teaches – quote – “either this or that” but rather: “this and that”. According to him, to say “either this or nothing” is – quote - “heretical”. According to Francis Jesus tells us: “Do things to the point you can do them.” Gloria.tv asks whether this is the way how in future we should judge pedophilia, genocide, murder etc.
Lutheran Cardinal: Walter Kasper, the heretic who is a close adviser to Pope Francis, published recently a book on another heretic, Martin Luther. According to La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana Kasper’s thesis is that Luther was right and the Church was wrong. According to Kasper Luther was forced to act because Rome and the bishops did not heed his appeals. Kasper compares Luther with Saint Francis of Assisi. He also claims that the Catholic Church is not Catholic because it is confessional.
Wrong Signals: The neoconservative author George Weigel …More
Cardinal Kasper was made a cardinal by John Paul II although he had already shown his heretical believes in many publications. There is no way to argue that John Paul II was "deceived" or "forced" to do this.
Quas Primas
Z tłumaczenia translatorem:
Po prostu wstyd, ogromny wstyd dla Kościoła!
I takich uważa się za dobrych, on jest prawą ręką Franciszka!!!
A tych, którzy bronią wiary, wyrzuca się za burtę i skazuje na banicję.
Święty Józefie, tak, jak niegdyś ochraniałeś swojego Syna, tak teraz chroń Jego Kościół.
Luterański kardynał …More
Z tłumaczenia translatorem:
Po prostu wstyd, ogromny wstyd dla Kościoła!
I takich uważa się za dobrych, on jest prawą ręką Franciszka!!!
A tych, którzy bronią wiary, wyrzuca się za burtę i skazuje na banicję.
Święty Józefie, tak, jak niegdyś ochraniałeś swojego Syna, tak teraz chroń Jego Kościół.

Luterański kardynał Walter Kasper, heretyk, który jest bliskim doradcą Franciszek, opublikował niedawno książkę o innym heretyka, Marcina Lutra. Zgodnie z tezą La Nuova BUSSOLA Quotidiana Kasper jest to, że Luter miał rację, a Kościół się mylił. Według Kasper Luter został zmuszony do działania, ponieważ Rzym i biskupi nie chcieli słuchać jego odwołania. Kasper porównuje Lutra ze św Franciszka z Asyżu. Twierdzi również, że Kościół katolicki nie jest katolicka, ponieważ jest konfesjonał.

Lutheran Cardinal: Walter Kasper, the heretic who is a close adviser to Pope Francis, published recently a book on another heretic, Martin Luther. According to La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana Kasper’s thesis is that Luther was right and the Church was wrong. According to Kasper Luther was forced to act because Rome and the bishops did not heed his appeals. Kasper compares Luther with Saint Francis of Assisi. He also claims that the Catholic Church is not Catholic because it is confessional.
la verdad prevalece
On Using the “H” Word (it all depends on what this 'this' is) remnantnewspaper.com/…/2579-on-using-t…
If the word "sects" has been diluted to Bergoglio that why he also has been diluting the word heresy.
Bergoglio said in the interview with Mexican journalist Valentina Alazraki: " So you see, the word “sects” it goes like diluting. I stopped a lot in this for justice, to don't do any injustice …More
On Using the “H” Word (it all depends on what this 'this' is) remnantnewspaper.com/…/2579-on-using-t…

If the word "sects" has been diluted to Bergoglio that why he also has been diluting the word heresy.
Bergoglio said in the interview with Mexican journalist Valentina Alazraki: " So you see, the word “sects” it goes like diluting. I stopped a lot in this for justice, to don't do any injustice. Evangelical brothers that are working very good. " 13 mar. 2015

Can. 750 §1. A person must believe with divine and Catholic faith all those things contained in the word of God, written or handed on, that is, in the one deposit of faith entrusted to the Church, and at the same time proposed as divinely revealed either by the solemn magisterium of the Church or by its ordinary and universal magisterium which is manifested by the common adherence of the Christian faithful under the leadership of the sacred magisterium; therefore all are bound to avoid any doctrines whatsoever contrary to them.

§2. Each and every thing which is proposed definitively by the magisterium of the Church concerning the doctrine of faith and morals, that is, each and every thing which is required to safeguard reverently and to expound faithfully the same deposit of faith, is also to be firmly embraced and retained; therefore, one who rejects those propositions which are to be held definitively is opposed to the doctrine of the Catholic Church.

Can. 751 Heresy is the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith.
Infallible teachings require the Assent of faith
Topics like contraception, abortion, divorce, and homosexuality are all addressed by definitive Church teachings.

Purpose of infallibility:
"It is this Magisterium's task to preserve God's people from deviations and defections and to guarantee them the objective possibility of professing the true faith without error.... To fulfill this service, Christ endowed the Church's shepherds with the charism of infallibility in matters of faith and morals." (Catechism, 890)
If people didn't open their eyes with his deadly teachings before this one, they will continue their papal worship... Bergoglio has CLEARLY proclaimed heresies, but we have few priests, bishops and cardinals that have courage.
la verdad prevalece
Francis appoints new heretic archbishop of Berlin who defends gay unions
Pope Paul IV decree 6. The annulment of all promotions and elevations of all those who have deviated from the Faith. (The sin of heresy separates the heretic away from the body of Christ)
During the time of the Council of Trent Pope Paul IV issued his Apostolic Constitution Cum Ex …More
Francis appoints new heretic archbishop of Berlin who defends gay unions
Pope Paul IV decree 6. The annulment of all promotions and elevations of all those who have deviated from the Faith. (The sin of heresy separates the heretic away from the body of Christ)
During the time of the Council of Trent Pope Paul IV issued his Apostolic Constitution Cum Ex Apostolic Officio of February 15, 1559 This Papal Bull focused on the validity of a prelate or Pope in the event they were in heresy or apostasy. Because it deals with faith and morals and was issued ex cathedra (from the Chair of Peter) and therefore is considered not only infallible, but to be held in perpetuity.
la verdad prevalece
El cardenal luterano Walter Kasper,
el hereje que es un asesor cercano de Francisco, ha publicado recientemente un libro sobre otro hereje, Martin Lutero. De acuerdo con La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, la tesis de Kasper es de que Lutero tenía la razón y la Iglesia estaba equivocada. Según Kasper Lutero se vio obligado a actuar porque Roma y los obispos no prestaron atención a sus …More
El cardenal luterano Walter Kasper,
el hereje que es un asesor cercano de Francisco, ha publicado recientemente un libro sobre otro hereje, Martin Lutero. De acuerdo con La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, la tesis de Kasper es de que Lutero tenía la razón y la Iglesia estaba equivocada. Según Kasper Lutero se vio obligado a actuar porque Roma y los obispos no prestaron atención a sus apelaciones. Kasper compara a Lutero con San Francisco de Asís. También afirma que la Iglesia Católica no es católica porque es confesional.
la verdad prevalece
Francisco afirmó en su homilía del Jueves que la Iglesia Católica nunca enseña - cita - "esto o aquello", sino: "esto y aquello". Según él, decir "esto o nada" es - cita - "herético". Según Francis Jesús nos dice: "Haz las cosas hasta el punto que puedas hacerlas" Gloria.tv pregunta si esta es la manera cómo en el futuro deberíamos juzgar la pedofilia, el genocidio, el …More
Francisco afirmó en su homilía del Jueves que la Iglesia Católica nunca enseña - cita - "esto o aquello", sino: "esto y aquello". Según él, decir "esto o nada" es - cita - "herético". Según Francis Jesús nos dice: "Haz las cosas hasta el punto que puedas hacerlas" Gloria.tv pregunta si esta es la manera cómo en el futuro deberíamos juzgar la pedofilia, el genocidio, el asesinato, etc.
One more comment from la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
There are only two roads one that leads to life and the other to Perdition, Jesus taught us that only the narrow gate is the one that leads to eternal life, the other to destruction and Bergoglio is pointing out the wide gate that leads to eternal perdition.
ad 1: 🤦 Matthew 5:37
ad 2: kardinal Kasper: Luther=Saint Francis of Assisi. 🙄 🙄 🙄
ad 3: Weigel is blind 😎
If, according to Francis, one who is for this or nothing, one is a heretic, then the pope is a heretic too by stating this. I take Francis at his word.
Uncle Joe
Francis' favorite straw man/whipping boy; the mean, rigid, Pharisaical, law-wielding (and now heretical) cleric or a 'rigid' altar boy. As if the Church has been staggering under the weight of some sort of Jansenist inquisition these past 50 years, when in fact the exact opposite is the case; it has been torn apart by all sorts of liturgical, theological and catechetical chaos. It's been a while …More
Francis' favorite straw man/whipping boy; the mean, rigid, Pharisaical, law-wielding (and now heretical) cleric or a 'rigid' altar boy. As if the Church has been staggering under the weight of some sort of Jansenist inquisition these past 50 years, when in fact the exact opposite is the case; it has been torn apart by all sorts of liturgical, theological and catechetical chaos. It's been a while since he ranted about this so we were overdue for another installment. Perhaps this is in response to some of the flak which Amoris laetitia has been copping.

There doubtless are pastoral situations where there is more than one morally licit option. There are certainly others where there is not and the choice is clear; between right and wrong, good and evil, light and darkness, truth and falsehood
and.....ultimately......between heaven and hell.
As usual, though, we're given no details 😲 and no hint of any specifics. Just a vague, generic slap-down of "rigidity" and the hated "law" which apparently separates us from God and we're left to fill in the blanks.
"Making a mess".......Francis-style! 🧐
...credit marshmallow...
Maria Bernadette
Matthew 5:37
Verse Concepts
"But let your statement be, 'Yes, yes' or 'No, no'; anything beyond these is of evil.More
Matthew 5:37

Verse Concepts

"But let your statement be, 'Yes, yes' or 'No, no'; anything beyond these is of evil.
Thanks very much for the News!
Gloria.TV The More Catholic the Better.
Comparing Luther to St Francis of Assisi, is horrific, and speaks volumes of the author who would pen such a thing.
St Francis of Assisi , Lover of The Bride of Christ, and Servant, Saint of God: Pray for usMore
Thanks very much for the News!
Gloria.TV The More Catholic the Better.

Comparing Luther to St Francis of Assisi, is horrific, and speaks volumes of the author who would pen such a thing.

St Francis of Assisi , Lover of The Bride of Christ, and Servant, Saint of God: Pray for us