
Fr. Longenecker against Catholics who receive Communion on tongue kneeling

What's in the heart is reflected externally by ones actions, so if one doesn't have enough reverence, for God to acknowledge that one should receive the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist on the tongue, because their hands are not consecrated to touch the Eucharist, then they will exhibit a less reverence of how to receive The Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ …More
What's in the heart is reflected externally by ones actions, so if one doesn't have enough reverence, for God to acknowledge that one should receive the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist on the tongue, because their hands are not consecrated to touch the Eucharist, then they will exhibit a less reverence of how to receive The Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist that being in the hand.

Reelected President On His Knees

Thankyou President Andrzej Duda for standing up for the catholic church something that has been lacking amongst the catholic priests and bishops for quite some time

Reelected President On His Knees

Talk about making a mountain from a molehill, to speak out against a group of people, because the deny the truth, does not make them anti that group of people, it makes them supports of truth and admonishers of falsehood. No different than if a majority of catholics were to receive Our Lord Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist in the hand, irreverently calling "these" people …More
Talk about making a mountain from a molehill, to speak out against a group of people, because the deny the truth, does not make them anti that group of people, it makes them supports of truth and admonishers of falsehood. No different than if a majority of catholics were to receive Our Lord Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist in the hand, irreverently calling "these" people out in the same manner as not showing due respect for Our Lord is the same that doesn't make those, making such a comment, as anti catholic, its stating a fact. The jews don't believe in Jesus Christ; thats a fact, to say that they do is a lie, to state that fact, as being anti-semetic is also a lie.

Roman Catholic Alan Keyes vs Barack Obama on gay marriage

Ironically, probably not a friend of blm

Trump’s Catholic Tweets | The American Spectator

Yes the vatii catholics despise catholicism and have been expressing such hatred for the past 60 years

The Communion-In-The-Hand Church Threatens and Terrorises Priests

@rhemes1582 jmy1975 dosen't care about what gives greater glory to God while also emphasizing the importance and relevance of the priesthood. His a vatican ii know all just like the spirit of vatican ii he has attached himself to the world while stating he supports the church well vatican also claims it supports the way of the church while also coming up with the mumbo jumbo that supports world …More
@rhemes1582 jmy1975 dosen't care about what gives greater glory to God while also emphasizing the importance and relevance of the priesthood. His a vatican ii know all just like the spirit of vatican ii he has attached himself to the world while stating he supports the church well vatican also claims it supports the way of the church while also coming up with the mumbo jumbo that supports world standards. In the end all we have now, because of Vatican ii and those who follow the Jmy standard is confusion unless one happens to be of the Traditional Latin Rite where there is no confusion about the Blessed Sacrament. That, once the host is consecrated it is The Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist and it must be respect with the utmost reverence, if it is not respected as it should be then we have couple of problems;

(1) Worshipping a pagan idol because ones actions testify to ones belief and because it's not consecrated, according to the way people act then receiving it would also make it sacrilegious.

(2) Worshipping Our Lord if one believes that he is present in the Blessed sacrament without respect and reverence adding to that reciving Him while not in a state of grace.

Both of these cause other problems, when instructing others to follow, be they ones own children or others that they hope to be saved, how are these newcomers going to see the reverence and respect, when the reverence and respect, is not made visable.

To paraphrase St Paul to continue too consumme Our Lord in such a manner is to consumme ones own condemnation.

Notre Dame: Cathedral's spire will be restored to 19th Century design

The person who was walking throughout the Cathedral during the fire will be very benificial in assisting the builders since he was able to explain how and where the fires started, what accelerant was used and the best way forward for the reconstruction

Twitter World: Transwoman mandates: “Face masks only for Whites!”

Trans are inbetweeners they are neither here, nor there or anywhere.

"You and that cross is gonna get that butt whooped!" New footage of BLM hara..

The video above with the idiot and his the blow horn is self explanatory.

Homeless Take Over Vatican: Urinating During Angelus (Video)

Is God, possibly acting through this poor unfortunate individual, expressing HIS disdain for what the See of Rome has become. I say why not, God, used a donkey to teach Balaam, why can't God use this unfortunate to express his opinion of the See of Rome.

Newly ordained Father Ismael Garcia Sainz distributes Communion during Mass

There is nothing that says we the parishoners are allowed to handle the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist before consuming it, it's VATICANII BULLSHIT TO THINK SO

Newly ordained Father Ismael Garcia Sainz distributes Communion during Mass

Your own words condemn you if you reverence Jesus in the Host you wouldn't accept The Host to be administered as a wafer your a liar a hypocrite you'd be perfect for the Judasian order; worshiping Jesus in the way that the individual wants not in the way Jesus wants because in the end only the individuals interpretation of The Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist matters …More
Your own words condemn you if you reverence Jesus in the Host you wouldn't accept The Host to be administered as a wafer your a liar a hypocrite you'd be perfect for the Judasian order; worshiping Jesus in the way that the individual wants not in the way Jesus wants because in the end only the individuals interpretation of The Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist matters not that of the church. As far as the hate in my heart you're right, the hatered for the lgbtqia that I have is for that lifestyle which obviously doesn't bother you or you wouldn't have defended it by calling me out. Well I can tell you now it bothered God so much that he destroyed the towns that practiced it. It also bothered the apostles so much that they themselves condemned them. But according to you it's Ok. Just goes to show that your modernist B.S has no direction it goes in every which way but the right. You mentioned you could've been a protestant personally your already there you just dont know it. TRUE MODERNIST NUT JOB just like Martin Luther

Newly ordained Father Ismael Garcia Sainz distributes Communion during Mass

@Jmy1975 here is the effects of your vatii B.S the watering down of the faith and the doing away with tradition ie; the receiving of the BODY BLOOD SOUL AND DIVINITY OF JESUS CHRIST PRESENT IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT on the tongue the way it always has been not treating it like a wafer such as you protestant friends whos communion isn't valid anyway. Adding of "B.S special ministers the adding of …More
@Jmy1975 here is the effects of your vatii B.S the watering down of the faith and the doing away with tradition ie; the receiving of the BODY BLOOD SOUL AND DIVINITY OF JESUS CHRIST PRESENT IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT on the tongue the way it always has been not treating it like a wafer such as you protestant friends whos communion isn't valid anyway. Adding of "B.S special ministers the adding of alter girls the changing of the liturgy this is just some of your, vatii B.S not to mention the pro sodomitic lgbtqi dogs once the church was distablised by your modernist nutjobs

Newly ordained Father Ismael Garcia Sainz distributes Communion during Mass

@Jmy1975 so what your saying is regardless of how much more respectful it maybe, it is better for the individual to receive Jesus in the hand where some species of the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ remain in the palm of the hand of the individual so that the individual can brush them of as he or she walks back to the pew. Talk about inconsistance in your logic your all over the place …More
@Jmy1975 so what your saying is regardless of how much more respectful it maybe, it is better for the individual to receive Jesus in the hand where some species of the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ remain in the palm of the hand of the individual so that the individual can brush them of as he or she walks back to the pew. Talk about inconsistance in your logic your all over the place just so you can justify error no different than your hero Martin Luther. How can being absolved of ones sins be the same as Holy Orders if thats the case after you go to confession which really you have no need of, like us sinners, you should be able to consecrate the Eucharist yourself being as holy as you are, that you are more holy and knowledgeable and reverential than the past 2000 years of catholic church history. @Jmy we have catholic church history on our side you have 50-60 years at best of irreverential errors on yours, do you really want to up hold the belief that communion in the hand is just as reverential as on the tongue this coming from the same group of people who have shown their true colours in support those like pro homosexuals Fr. James Martin, Cardinal Wuerl, Cupich, Dolan, not to mention the disgraced Theodore McCarrick, not to forget our current beloved dictator who welcomes sodomites and lgbtqia people in the vatican "private audience" saying God allows all religions, stating, "adultry is only a sin if you enjoy" @Jmy in a pigs eye the last 50-60 years are the same as the 1950 years before it, your theological compass is so out of whack that there is no truth to it

Newly ordained Father Ismael Garcia Sainz distributes Communion during Mass

At @Jmy1975 again I never cursed at you but you seem to think it's ok, to do it to others, so who's being childish. You responded to what I wrote and then you block me again. Obviously you blocking me has nothing to do with what I said, of which in that, there was nothing wrong, but more to do with the fact that your responses are so out of touch with reality that you can't justify your own responses …More
At @Jmy1975 again I never cursed at you but you seem to think it's ok, to do it to others, so who's being childish. You responded to what I wrote and then you block me again. Obviously you blocking me has nothing to do with what I said, of which in that, there was nothing wrong, but more to do with the fact that your responses are so out of touch with reality that you can't justify your own responses. You definitely are a Vatican II type thinking person. By that, I mean that your thought processes are no different to that of the church you are both governed by the world. Hence you both are in error.

Newly ordained Father Ismael Garcia Sainz distributes Communion during Mass

Then why tel Mary Magdalena for her not to touch him it doesn't fit the narrative

Newly ordained Father Ismael Garcia Sainz distributes Communion during Mass

This is why certain people should keep there B.S thoughts to themselves because others will be wrongly accused and shunned and blovked who had no part in it and if @Jmy1975 were to see this he would also acknowledge that I had no part in it myself.
The purpose to the question of was this; a husband would not permit another man to touch his wife nor would a wife permit another woman to touch her …More
This is why certain people should keep there B.S thoughts to themselves because others will be wrongly accused and shunned and blovked who had no part in it and if @Jmy1975 were to see this he would also acknowledge that I had no part in it myself.

The purpose to the question of was this; a husband would not permit another man to touch his wife nor would a wife permit another woman to touch her husband.

If a wife permitted another man to touch her, or if a husband permitted another woman to touch him, both would be inappropriate even if they had there conscent. Now swap the word husband or wife, with the word priest. God gave authority for a priest to touch the Blessed Sacrament; the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ and for the priest to do so his hands needed to be consecrated. But now today a Priest can play the part of the adulterers, and thus allowing anyone that have no authority to touch the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ.

The second thought is this; when Jesus rose from the dead, Mary Magdalena was the first one to see Him; according to the Bible a woman of great faith, as she reached out to touch Him, Jesus said to her not to touch Him because He had not yet ascended to the Father. Compare that to what happened with St Thomas, who was an apostle and comparing the two responses one could say that, Mary Magdalena had a greater faith than St Thomas and yet it is only with Jesus' authority that St Thomas could touch Him. And until Jesus appears in person as he did during the time of the apostles then The Eucharist is The Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ and only people with authority have the right to touch him.

Newly ordained Father Ismael Garcia Sainz distributes Communion during Mass

I have been rightly told, to put the @ symbol in front of your name or GTV will not pass on the message so to ensure that you get message/question here it is again.
A question for @Jmy1975 if it's not that personal a question, are you married?More
I have been rightly told, to put the @ symbol in front of your name or GTV will not pass on the message so to ensure that you get message/question here it is again.

A question for @Jmy1975 if it's not that personal a question, are you married?