Why Has There Been Only a "Muted Orthodox Response" to Sodomia Supplicans?

Why Has There Been Only a "Muted Orthodox Response" to Sodomia Supplicans? Perhaps the existence of homosexual Russian Orthodox bishops and the impunity for their homosexual acs is one reason why "the …More
Why Has There Been Only a "Muted Orthodox Response" to Sodomia Supplicans?
Perhaps the existence of homosexual Russian Orthodox bishops and the impunity for their homosexual acs is one reason why "the new and shocking Roman Catholic decree of papal blessings for homosexual couples" has provoked little reaction in the Russian Orthodox Church, writes Archpriest Andrew Phillips on OrthodoxEngland.org.uk (2 February).
About 60% of Orthodox Christians live in Russia. Phillips, 67, a former non-practising Anglican, is currently rector of St John's Orthodox Church in his home town of Colchester, Essex. He has written several books and many articles.
A few years ago he left the Russian Orthodox Church and joined the Romanian Orthodox Church.
So far, only the Metropolitan of Budapest, Hilarion Alfeyev, has said in an interview with The American Conservative that Francis' [pseudo-] blessings make talks of unity between the Orthodox and Francis' churches impossible.
The introduction of homosexual …More
Well from the examples cited in the original post, it seems that the Orthodox are more adept at punishing AND purging these types from their ranks! How many perv-priests/bishops does the Roman Church defrock or send to monasteries to live a life of penance? And those who are - how many ACTUALLY do so? For example: McCarrick, Rupnik, etc. 🤫
Many of their clergy are on the same page - especially Francis' BFF Patriarch Bartholomew. See: For Homosexuals, "Church is a Hug, Not a Court", says "Orthodox" Patriarch of Alexandria
Russian Orthodox….apostates and heretics, all.