An example of the prevailing madness: the Australian case. Wherever you look at it, this global covid-19 “crisis” is not normal. Not even close. Neither in its origin, nor in its development, nor in …More
An example of the prevailing madness: the Australian case.

Wherever you look at it, this global covid-19 “crisis” is not normal. Not even close. Neither in its origin, nor in its development, nor in the brutally draconian and irresponsible measures implemented on a global scale by local governments to supposedly “counter” it, following the opaque designs of the anonymous world powers, lacking any type of democratic representation and devoid of all moral legitimacy.

I consider it essential to look at reality head on and clearly proclaim what is happening. The truth is that we are facing a gigantic operation of social engineering and mental manipulation, unprecedented in the history of humanity. In the first place, because of its geographical extension and, above all, because of the highly sophisticated technological tools for population control and brainwashing the masses at the disposal of the authors of this supposed “pandemic”.

SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvOcyc3jNcA

Authentic aggression against humanity, a meticulous intelligence maneuver by global, criminal and totalitarian power, planned and fired from international organizations, which the puppet governments we suffer from, supposedly "democratic" and "sovereign", slavishly abide by and without any kind of spirit. critical. Sad and harmful lackeys of the lords of the world, from whom they greedily and dishonorably wait to receive the constant and resounding retribution that masters usually lavish on their diligent slaves.

Concluding: We are witnessing a global subversive operation, the sole objective of which is to take another step -perhaps decisive this time, given the unprecedented torpor and passivity exhibited by the human herd- towards the political and monetary unification of the planet, for the exclusive benefit of the international financial elite, whose visible face is embodied in falsely "philanthropic" and supposedly "humanist" tycoons, such as Bill Gates, whose lucrative "foundation" everywhere promotes abortion, gender theory and the reduction of the world population.

And that he is, as is well known, awaiting the expiration of the eighteen-month period -according to his own prediction-, in order to be able to inject all of humanity with the "saving vaccine" prescribed, manufactured, marketed and coercively imposed to every-human-being-on-the-planet, supposedly to "immunize" us from the same virus that he and his unscrupulous World Cup accomplices designed, manufactured and disseminated.
Miles - Christi - English and one more user link to this post