Why we should oppose covid-19 vaccination. IN THIS VIDEO: "Vaccines are safe and effective" - That is a lie. Vaccines have a very dark record of human tragedy and suffering. Those people who make, sell …More
Why we should oppose covid-19 vaccination.

IN THIS VIDEO: "Vaccines are safe and effective" - That is a lie. Vaccines have a very dark record of human tragedy and suffering. Those people who make, sell, regulate and administer vaccines all know this. But the ultimate selling is to pass laws forcing you to consume a product or service. This video clearly explains how to protect yourself from any attempted forced vaccination program. DISCLAIMER: This is only opinion, not legal advice. FREE DOWNLOAD DOCUMENTS AT: www.freedomtaker.com REFERENCE: The technical details in this video were derived from the following articles published by Children's Health Defense at: childrenshealthdefense.org/…/gates-globalist… and childrenshealthdefense.org/…/vaccine-misinfo…

SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhxjqAt779A&feature=youtu.be
Miles - Christi and one more user link to this post
Spoiler alert: Anti-Vaccine conspiracy.
Alex A
@philososopher> You have a right to your opinion. However, that right doesn't extend to being a 'spoiler alarmist' with the underlining assumption on your part that others don't have the whit to decide for themselves the veracity, or otherwise of the video claims.
@Alex A. So, how is it that Jerry Day knows that there are all of these additives in vaccines? Which ones? He offers no specific distinctions between the various vaccines and specific additives nor does he list them and provide any evidence for his claim. Claiming that x number of children in India contracted polio after receiving the polio vaccine is arguing a false cause ( post hoc ergo proptor …More
@Alex A. So, how is it that Jerry Day knows that there are all of these additives in vaccines? Which ones? He offers no specific distinctions between the various vaccines and specific additives nor does he list them and provide any evidence for his claim. Claiming that x number of children in India contracted polio after receiving the polio vaccine is arguing a false cause ( post hoc ergo proptor hoc fallacy).

How many children in the US contracted polio after receiving the vaccine compared to India during the same time period? How many children in India that were given the vaccine during mass inoculation programs, already had polio in the early stages with little to no symptoms but were not yet diagnosed?
Alex A
@philosopher I don't recall implying I was open for discussion on the veracity or otherwise on the topic of the video content. My point, which clearly you overlooked, was one of, let others decide for themselves as to what is factual and what is not. Most GTV regulars do have the wit to discern for themselves.