
Six Young Catholic Lock Themselves in a Belltower

In December 2021, Francis made Grenoble Bishop Guy de Kerimel the Rugby Archbishop of Toulouse, France.

Before leaving, Kerimel applied scorched earth tactics by expelling the two priests of the Fraternity of Saint Peter who were serving at Saint-André and Notre-Dame de l’Isle in Vienne. He replaced them with a part-time priest going from 60 messes to 3 to 4 a month and abolishing the many activities of this vibrant community of 500 [practicing] Catholics.

Six of them, all young, decided to lock themselves up for forty hours in the bell tower of Saint-André, starting with Easter Sunday to protest this injustice.

They use Francis own slogans, “We follow Francis' message to young people: ‘make a mess’.” They ask the diocese to show “inventiveness” and “daring,” and to stop “clericalism,” and “to work with all peripheries without discriminating against any of them.” They don’t take in account that Francis uses these slogans only to promote heresy.

Picture: LeSalonBeige.fr, #newsEouykrqqal

He isn't an "antipope" @Sam D Misusing the term won't change that.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Francis' days are almost over. Thank God. Now lets pray for a Catholic pope!