Declining powers tend to make risky and destabilizing moves, as shown by the example of Philip II sending the Armada against England in 1588, or Austria-Hungary annexing Bosnia in 1908. America seems ready to follow suit on a much grander scale over Ukraine. - Dr. Srdja Trifkovic, "Wars, Rumors, and Geopolitical Logic", May 2024

Wars, Rumors, and Geopolitical Logic

The world faces the danger of a major war. To grasp the magnitude of that threat, it is necessary to go beyond the trajectory of news from Ukraine. It is also necessary …
James Manning
Can't agree with the author's assertion that this is a war of ideology. Ideology is a convenient cover. Russia and China both threaten the supremacy of the dollar in international trade, particularly in the oil trade. If the dollar stops being the sole currency used to purchase oil, the American economy will falter. Hard. No one's going to want to invest in a currency whose owner owes $33T and …More
Can't agree with the author's assertion that this is a war of ideology. Ideology is a convenient cover. Russia and China both threaten the supremacy of the dollar in international trade, particularly in the oil trade. If the dollar stops being the sole currency used to purchase oil, the American economy will falter. Hard. No one's going to want to invest in a currency whose owner owes $33T and produces very little in the way of tangible goods.