Oath to be administered to Franciscans of the Immaculate?

Sic Semper Tyrannis We could all think of Orders, Congregations and Institutes where members have written against magisterial teaching. Occasionally there has been some intervention from the Congregation …More
Sic Semper Tyrannis
We could all think of Orders, Congregations and Institutes where members have written against magisterial teaching. Occasionally there has been some intervention from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and in rare cases an individual has been suspended from teaching in the name of the Church. We all remember the furore over the polite and carefully worded report on the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. The negotiations with the SSPX broke down over the nuance of an expression concerning the level of acceptance of Vatican II.
In the case of the Franciscans of the Immaculate (who have not contradicted magisterial teaching on faith or morals) their superior has been removed, their seminary has been closed, and their members are now to be asked to take an oath agreeing that the modern Roman rite is an "authentic expression of the liturgical tradition of the Church." I hope that I am not being intemperate in describing this as rather harsh. I certainly …More
I can think of a place to put that oath. 🤐
The institutional church as one part of the Body of Christ is...
and as we know proceeding on towards Calvary and then Resurrection ...
but first comes a scourging and debasement of Her earthly power and beauty.
This is only the beginning kiddies. Hang on to your rosaries !More
The institutional church as one part of the Body of Christ is...
and as we know proceeding on towards Calvary and then Resurrection ...
but first comes a scourging and debasement of Her earthly power and beauty.

This is only the beginning kiddies. Hang on to your rosaries !
Are the current clergy offering the banal liturgy going to have to swear an oath that they understand that the liturgy of all the Saints is not only valid but sacred?
Don't make me laugh!!
There are large groups of "bishops" who have agendas, that are not Catholic and the expose themselves daily. These prelates are fakes, they operate behind a cloak, they are not doing Gods work - but their own. …More
Are the current clergy offering the banal liturgy going to have to swear an oath that they understand that the liturgy of all the Saints is not only valid but sacred?
Don't make me laugh!!
There are large groups of "bishops" who have agendas, that are not Catholic and the expose themselves daily. These prelates are fakes, they operate behind a cloak, they are not doing Gods work - but their own.
Almighty God help us, give us real men of faith and rid us of these "community" ideology fakes. Amen.