
Vatican Fools Russian-Orthodox with Cassocks

L’Osservatore Romano published a picture of a meeting of the Russian-Orthodox Patriarch Kyrill with the Catholic participants in the 5th Moscow Summer Institute (August 23 to September 1). They attended …More
L’Osservatore Romano published a picture of a meeting of the Russian-Orthodox Patriarch Kyrill with the Catholic participants in the 5th Moscow Summer Institute (August 23 to September 1).
They attended the August 28 Orthodox Assumption liturgy celebrated by Kyrill at the Dormition Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. The head of the Catholic delegation was Father Hyacinthe Destivelle of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity.
The picture shows the Catholic delegation completely dressed in cassocks and religious habits. This must be considered a stunt to bluff the Russians as the cassock is deeply despised in the Francis Church and not even used in the Vatican.
Only priests without ecclesiastical ambitions wear the cassock in normal circumstances, because wearing the cassock will be the end of a carrier in the Francis Church.
Considering the Russian-Orthodox clergy is thoroughly infested with KGB/ FSB agents, the Vatican isn't fooling anyone.