
For Catholic Bishops, Hate is a One-Way Street - By Christopher Manion

After the recent violence here in Virginia, Catholic bishops felt they had to do something. So naturally, in 24 hours, they managed to take both sides. On the day of the Charlottesville conflict, …More
After the recent violence here in Virginia, Catholic bishops felt they had to do something. So naturally, in 24 hours, they managed to take both sides.
On the day of the Charlottesville conflict, bishops called for unity and prayer and condemned hatred. Almost immediately the flaks from their DC lobbying arm got to them with a strong message: “It sounds like you’re agreeing with Trump. That will get you nowhere.” So, the next day they issued a new statement that added a condemnation of “racism, white supremacy and neo-Nazism.”
Of course, these are easy targets. But what about the Left-wing violence perpetrated by Antifa and hundreds of armed, masked anarchists?
Well, in those 24 hours, the usual suspects had directed a barrage of bombast at Trump for blaming both sides. And while the bishops undoubtedly oppose Antifa’s violence, they also happen to be fighting their own battle with Trump, and they desperately need the support of those very same usual suspects to help them win it.
Wait …More
Joseph a' Christian
The writers of this artikle fail to distinguish, that many of the illigal immigrants here in the disunited states, are our fellow Katholiks from south amerika.
This is very different from the savage followers of muhammad the murderer, migrating and persecuting europeans.
Jesus Is Freedom, He Is Wonderful, The Giver Of Life.More
The writers of this artikle fail to distinguish, that many of the illigal immigrants here in the disunited states, are our fellow Katholiks from south amerika.

This is very different from the savage followers of muhammad the murderer, migrating and persecuting europeans.

Jesus Is Freedom, He Is Wonderful, The Giver Of Life.
Joseph a' Christian
The writers of this artikle fail to show the amerikan devastation: the worthless paper dollar, the tremendous number of jobs ripped away from hard working people- so that people in pakistan and china can be exploited, the rasist Christian hating jews who own most of the large propaganda/media outlets, the numerous false, greedy bishops have destroyed the once great Katholik skhool strukture...
Trump …More
The writers of this artikle fail to show the amerikan devastation: the worthless paper dollar, the tremendous number of jobs ripped away from hard working people- so that people in pakistan and china can be exploited, the rasist Christian hating jews who own most of the large propaganda/media outlets, the numerous false, greedy bishops have destroyed the once great Katholik skhool strukture...
Trump the False Wall Street Messiah has no klue of the Katholik faith.

We must live in Christ the Truth, even when the truth is very sad, bleak.