
European "Progressive" Bishops Planning Synod Coup: Secret Meeting in Rome on Monday

On Monday [May 25], European episcopates will debate the welcoming of remarried divorcees and homosexuals in the Church. The initiative has remained very discreet, indeed secret, but it is important.…More
On Monday [May 25], European episcopates will debate the welcoming of remarried divorcees and homosexuals in the Church.
The initiative has remained very discreet, indeed secret, but it is important. According to our information, three episcopates -- the German, the Swiss, and the French -- have gotten together in order to organize, behind closed doors, on Monday, May 25, in Rome, in the premises of the Jesuit Gregorian University, a day of studies centered on the welcoming of remarried divorcees and homosexual persons in the Church. Renowned German theologians will take the floor before a chosen audience of only fifty people. The closing conference will be made by Cardinal Reinhard Marx, President of the German Bishops' Conference. Along with Cardinal Walter Kasper, this influential cardinal -- a member of the C9, the Pope's close council -- works actively for a policy of opening of the Catholic Church on these dossiers.
At the Vatican, only a few personalities have received an invitation. …More
The Rhine, once again (with its poisoned waters) flows into the Tiber. A new abomination of desolation.
Dr Bobus
From Pope St John XXIII--opening address to Vat II:
"In the daily exercise of our pastoral office, we sometimes have to listen, much to our regret, to voices of persons who, though burning with zeal, are not endowed with too much sense of discretion or measure. In these modern times they can see nothing but prevarication and ruin. They say that our era, in comparison with past eras, is getting …More
From Pope St John XXIII--opening address to Vat II:

"In the daily exercise of our pastoral office, we sometimes have to listen, much to our regret, to voices of persons who, though burning with zeal, are not endowed with too much sense of discretion or measure. In these modern times they can see nothing but prevarication and ruin. They say that our era, in comparison with past eras, is getting worse, and they behave as though they had learned nothing from history, which is, none the less, the teacher of life. They behave as though at the time of former Councils everything was a full triumph for the Christian idea and life and for proper religious liberty.

We feel we must disagree with those prophets of gloom, who are always forecasting disaster, as though the end of the world were at hand."


More and more, including the recent news about Ireland and homosexual "marriage", it seems that good Pope John was wrong--and those prophets of gloom were right. I wonder whether any of them will be canonized
St Turibio Romo
Some of the bishops have proved themselves as bad - just more slyly. Lord, have mercy!
They don't stand a chance!
Dr Bobus
The bishops representing Catholic doctrine, e.g., Mueller, Napier, Pell, et al, will also be prepared.
This is insane ,sinful and anti Jesus Gospel ,they are falling into the secular world ,is it because its popular ,the money ,or power ?i guess they plan to form a new religious cult or are they planning to distroy the church ??