Gloria.TV News on the 27th of November 2014 Vague: Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor has dismissed claims made by his former press secretary Austen Ivereigh that he was part of an organized campaign to elect …More
Gloria.TV News on the 27th of November 2014

Vague: Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor has dismissed claims made by his former press secretary Austen Ivereigh that he was part of an organized campaign to elect Cardinal Bergoglio as a pope. His spokeswoman stated: “No approach to the then Cardinal Bergoglio in the days before the Conclave was made by him or, as far as he knows, by any other cardinal to seek his assent to becoming a candidate for the papacy.” Damian Thompson comments in the Spectator: “The statement is brief, carefully worded yet distinctly vague.”
Inconvenient Sunday: The Church of England has come to the conclusion that Sunday morning is an inconvenient time for church services because of other leisure and social commitments. The admission came alongside new figures showing that attendances at midweek services in Anglican cathedrals have doubled in a decade albeit on a very low level while numbers in the pews in parishes on Sundays continue to fall. According to a spokesman the fact that midweek cathedral services were likely to be “reasonably short” was also part of the attraction.
He Speaks Clearly: The Italian “Il Foglio” which is critical of Pope Francis has praised the appointment of Cardinal Robert Sarah as the new Prefect of the Congregation for Liturgy. Sarah is considered a supporter of Summorum Pontificum. During the last Synod he said that – quote – “homosexual behavior and homosexual unions are a grave deviation of sexuality.”
An Icon Of the Conciliar Downfall: Daily Mail has published pictures of St Peter's Seminary in Argyll, Scotland. When it was opened in 1964 for 100 seminarians it was hailed as a building of “world significance” for its distinctive brutalist architecture and so called modernist design. But after the Council came the downfall. The building was abandoned in 1980 and served until 1987 as a drug rehabilitation centre. Now it is covered in graffiti, weeds and rubbish. Today the abandoned seminary is mostly occupied by the homeless, alcoholics and drug addicts.
Dr Stuart Reiss, Thank you very much for standing up against calumny. Not only is the Holy Father misjudged here but seems you were misjudged to be American and an ultra liberal. Either way, unworthy stayed perfectly consistent in making a false speculation.
St. Augustine says, “Before applying thyself to good deeds, confess thy misdeeds.”
🤗 👍 🙏More
Dr Stuart Reiss, Thank you very much for standing up against calumny. Not only is the Holy Father misjudged here but seems you were misjudged to be American and an ultra liberal. Either way, unworthy stayed perfectly consistent in making a false speculation.

St. Augustine says, “Before applying thyself to good deeds, confess thy misdeeds.”

🤗 👍 🙏
Dr Confession, talk to the hand and all you ultraliberals. May God change your hearts in time... happy thanksgiving, bye. 😇 😇
To be very Clear, whoever backs this wicked bishops, and the evidence shows exactly that, pope Francis re appointed Forte, Wuerl has be appointed as well for 2015, and Kasper is trying to get hearts and minds against the commandments of our Lord to accept INIQUITY. And what does the most humble man do... talks against being bound to "rules"... so he re-appoints this wolves and his excellency Archbishop …More
To be very Clear, whoever backs this wicked bishops, and the evidence shows exactly that, pope Francis re appointed Forte, Wuerl has be appointed as well for 2015, and Kasper is trying to get hearts and minds against the commandments of our Lord to accept INIQUITY. And what does the most humble man do... talks against being bound to "rules"... so he re-appoints this wolves and his excellency Archbishop Schneider calls to resist those wicked bishops wh WERE RE-APPOINTED! Talking about showing the world who he is about, Francis is a liberal... and liberalism not only is a sin, is an abomination waiting to happen. Next year sadly the wicked relatio will be accepted, and unfortunately Farncis will sign on material heresy.

He will say... I'll do what my bishops wants, like he said once out of a meeting with the G8, washing his hands like Pilate.

But that you ultra liberals know and don't care... but I don't care what you or anyone thinks. I WILL NOT FOLLOW A WOLF DRESSED IN SHEEPS CLOTHING, who sends his pawns to do the dirty job.

Excellency Schneider calls us to RESIST this evil men and by doing so we DO resist this liberal pope.
One more comment from UNWORTHY
Let us pray for pope Francis.
My dear Jesus Christ, I love you me your unworthy servant, I love you and it is my desire that all people get saved, all, those who love me and those who persecute me, please put the soul and souls You created, pope Francis and his bishops who have turn against you; I plead for his soul to get saved, not his intentions, I plead for his wicked bishops to convert... show …More
Let us pray for pope Francis.

My dear Jesus Christ, I love you me your unworthy servant, I love you and it is my desire that all people get saved, all, those who love me and those who persecute me, please put the soul and souls You created, pope Francis and his bishops who have turn against you; I plead for his soul to get saved, not his intentions, I plead for his wicked bishops to convert... show him that it is souls he needs to show the way, the light and the truth which is You my Lord, teach Francis that the Gospel is what poor people needs first, teach him that he needs to preach the Gospel, not a God of surprises gospel or a humanism gospel to the rulers of the world, again I plead for his soul, not his intentions my Dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen
Frankly, a lot of the ridicule here on this Catholic media on the Holy Father, Pope Francis, is perhaps better than anything that Protestants could come up with. It seems to be a trend and the fashion of Proud Catholics, for their commentary is often generally inclined to ridicule the Holy Father. Some of the more facile ridiculers of the Holy Father here are perfectly consistent in their position …More
Frankly, a lot of the ridicule here on this Catholic media on the Holy Father, Pope Francis, is perhaps better than anything that Protestants could come up with. It seems to be a trend and the fashion of Proud Catholics, for their commentary is often generally inclined to ridicule the Holy Father. Some of the more facile ridiculers of the Holy Father here are perfectly consistent in their position, which is part of their great error. To them the Holy Father, Pope Francis, deserves their harsh judgments to be published far and wide.

Let us pray for the Holy Father; Our Lord enjoins on us "always to pray"(Luke 18:1).

While Asia Bibi is taking the heat, the fresh air is calling for the sacredness of humanity, while ISIS is killing christians left and right, the most Holy pope ever to walk the earth calls for human dignity, while in every country the motu propio from Benedict is being mocked, omitted and ridiculed, humility in the flesh is calling for the spirit of humanity in the European Parliament...
Truth is …More
While Asia Bibi is taking the heat, the fresh air is calling for the sacredness of humanity, while ISIS is killing christians left and right, the most Holy pope ever to walk the earth calls for human dignity, while in every country the motu propio from Benedict is being mocked, omitted and ridiculed, humility in the flesh is calling for the spirit of humanity in the European Parliament...

Truth is truth and Jesus Divinity and commandments, is one thing you don't hear from this pope speak, the mostly, is humanism and bashing faithful traditional catholics.

Silently traditionalists are no longer Catholic they are called legalists...

"Those christians are dead inside", "they are like mummies in a museum", "If the law doesn't take you to Christ the law is dead", "the church ask us for change, we need to get rid of old structures they are of no use".

Those saints, Ligori, St Francis of Assisi, St Paul... were models of being legalists, they loved those valid popes, and if they were alive today, they would say the same thing our dear archbishop Athanasius Schneider has said... RESIST, but resist what... WICKED BISHOPS, what wicked bishops? Un-catholic Kasper, Wuerl, and Bruno forte leading front.

Forte has been RE-CONFIRMED to his post for the next Synod and it only speaks volumes of what this pope wants... LIBERALISM, as we are closed minded and bound to follow little rules...

I wondered what the most LEGALIST saint in the history of salvation would've said about this humanism pope who calls traditionalists/legalists to those who remaid people Jesus commands... what would've said Moses? I know!

Those who are for the law come with me and thise who are not fir the Lord shal die by the law...

@Lindsaywtf: That the Holy Spirit is at work in the Church and that ultimately God's purpose will prevail is precisely my believe otherwise, if everything were lost anyway, I would not care about the Church. Remember that during the Reformation people who believed in the Holy Spirit opposed Luther and his ecclesiastical revolution.
With respect to your point, why can't you trust that the Holy Spirit is at work in the Church and that ultimately God's purpose will prevail?More

With respect to your point, why can't you trust that the Holy Spirit is at work in the Church and that ultimately God's purpose will prevail?
tieto komentare prelozte 🤮
Frantisek o Kasperovi,,genialny teolog, ktory kona milost kym klaci"
Kasper o Frantiskovi, Robim to lebo ma o to poziadal papez", Ja vravim za papeza"
a stale sa toci so svojim jedom bez toho aby ho zastavili , a vypalil to na Africanov a stale vo svojej funkcii
Frantisek o tradicionalistoch ,,su vnutri mrtvi" rozmyslam ci su tradicionalisti mrtvi vnutri ked boli zabitiv …
tieto komentare prelozte 🤮
Frantisek o Kasperovi,,genialny teolog, ktory kona milost kym klaci"
Kasper o Frantiskovi, Robim to lebo ma o to poziadal papez", Ja vravim za papeza"
a stale sa toci so svojim jedom bez toho aby ho zastavili , a vypalil to na Africanov a stale vo svojej funkcii
Frantisek o tradicionalistoch ,,su vnutri mrtvi" rozmyslam ci su tradicionalisti mrtvi vnutri ked boli zabitiv Syrii a Iraku ked oni miluju zakon..


Boh Vam dava slobodnu volu..

som za papeza...a je mi jedno co tu o nom pisu...podla frekvencie prispievania dobre dotovani vymyvaci mozgov

Živ Bože,otca svätého,námestníka Kristovho 🙏 🙏 🙏
Burke... sacked.
The other Burke, (PR guru, awesome)More
Burke... sacked.

The other Burke, (PR guru, awesome)
Francis on Kasper: "Genuine theologian, who does Mercy while kneeling"
Kasper on Francis: "I'm doing this because the pope ask me to" and "I speak for the pope" (And he still rolling with his poison without being stopped, blasted the Africans and he's still doing his PR)
Francis on traditionalists "they are dead inside", wonder if the traditionalists being killed in siria and Irak are dead inside …More
Francis on Kasper: "Genuine theologian, who does Mercy while kneeling"

Kasper on Francis: "I'm doing this because the pope ask me to" and "I speak for the pope" (And he still rolling with his poison without being stopped, blasted the Africans and he's still doing his PR)

Francis on traditionalists "they are dead inside", wonder if the traditionalists being killed in siria and Irak are dead inside because they love the law.
@Lindsaywtf: And to say that Pope Francis speaks through Bruno Forte is irresponsible and doesn't acknowledge that he has also appointed conservative bishops to the synod leadership too.
The question is not whether the Pope appoints "liberal" or "conservative" bishops to the Synod. The problem is, e.g., that people like Forte are re-appointed while the one who spoke up against the confusion created …More
@Lindsaywtf: And to say that Pope Francis speaks through Bruno Forte is irresponsible and doesn't acknowledge that he has also appointed conservative bishops to the synod leadership too.

The question is not whether the Pope appoints "liberal" or "conservative" bishops to the Synod. The problem is, e.g., that people like Forte are re-appointed while the one who spoke up against the confusion created by the Synod was sacked (Burke).
Me on papa brisa fresca: "we shouldn't follow wolves"
Bishop Fellay on Francis: "He is a genuine modernist"
3 more comments from UNWORTHY
Francis through Kasper... "Through a period of penance the divorced and remarried should be allowed communion"
Francis through Bruno forte: "Gays have gifts and qualities to offer to Christians"
Pope St Pious X: "Modernism is the heresy of all heresies"
St Paul: "Stand firm to the traditions taught by us..." 2 Thes 2:15
Pope Benedict: "Whoever is homosexual cannot be a priest"
The fresh "air" of Santa Marta: "If the person is gay and looks for the Lord, who am I to judge?"
Saint Paul: "The spiritual man judges everything" 1 Cor 2:15 St.
John: "Judge not according to appearances, but judge …More
Pope St Pious X: "Modernism is the heresy of all heresies"
St Paul: "Stand firm to the traditions taught by us..." 2 Thes 2:15
Pope Benedict: "Whoever is homosexual cannot be a priest"
The fresh "air" of Santa Marta: "If the person is gay and looks for the Lord, who am I to judge?"
Saint Paul: "The spiritual man judges everything" 1 Cor 2:15 St.
John: "Judge not according to appearances, but judge righteously" John 7:24
No problem with Pius X and his quote but your connection to Pope Francis is erroneous. Pope Benedict did not state that infallibly.
Would you turn away a person who had a same-sex attraction and came looking for God or would you judge them and turn them away?
And to say that Pope Francis speaks through Bruno Forte is irresponsible and doesn't acknowledge that he has also appointed …More

No problem with Pius X and his quote but your connection to Pope Francis is erroneous. Pope Benedict did not state that infallibly.

Would you turn away a person who had a same-sex attraction and came looking for God or would you judge them and turn them away?

And to say that Pope Francis speaks through Bruno Forte is irresponsible and doesn't acknowledge that he has also appointed conservative bishops to the synod leadership too.

Please build a better case before slandering a good man who has repeatedly proven his fidelity to Christ and his Church.
Pope St Pious X: "Modernism is the heresy of all heresies"
St Paul: "Stand firm to the traditions taught by us..." 2 Thes 2:15
Pope Benedict: "Whoever is homosexual cannot be a priest"
Pope Francis: "If the person is gay and looks for the Lord, who am I to judge?"
Saint Paul: "The spiritual man judges everything" 1 Cor 2:15
St. John: "Judge not according to appearances, but judge righteously" John 7:24 …More
Pope St Pious X: "Modernism is the heresy of all heresies"
St Paul: "Stand firm to the traditions taught by us..." 2 Thes 2:15
Pope Benedict: "Whoever is homosexual cannot be a priest"
Pope Francis: "If the person is gay and looks for the Lord, who am I to judge?"
Saint Paul: "The spiritual man judges everything" 1 Cor 2:15
St. John: "Judge not according to appearances, but judge righteously" John 7:24
Francis through Bruno forte: "Gays have gifts and qualities to offer to Christians" 🤮

Proof that Bruno is just a pawn? The evil relatio was published in the vatican site before it was made.public EWTN Arroyo's reported, and Forte despite his evil manuver, he was still enpowered to be at a high position within the next synod... so yes, Francis is liberal, Francis is a modernist.

It's never been my intention to sow discord, I only want to challenge views that I believe contradict our shared Catholic faith and as such have always been happy to start a dialogue with anyone who wishes to take me to task for my comments.
My responses have alway been a reaction to what someone else has posted or to the content in the videos shared. It is a little unfair that having …More

It's never been my intention to sow discord, I only want to challenge views that I believe contradict our shared Catholic faith and as such have always been happy to start a dialogue with anyone who wishes to take me to task for my comments.

My responses have alway been a reaction to what someone else has posted or to the content in the videos shared. It is a little unfair that having never interacted with me, but by judging my conversations with others that you would use this as a basis to call me a troll.

I am VERY interested in discussing what is said here and the spirit in which it is said. Feel free to take a stroll through my comments though, I think you'll find that @UNWORTHY - who either debates me and then thinks its okay to decide when a debate is over or talks about me but not directly to me, asking others to ignore me - has trolled a lot more than I have. You'll also see that most of my interactions end amicably and I am not the first in a conversation to engage in name calling (on many occasions here I've been called blind, neo-catholic, modernist and now troll).

Am I not allowed to respond if I read comments or see content that questions Pope Francis' fidelity to the truth?

Your 'troll' label is hurtful and uncharitable and I invite you to withdraw it and let me, as a sacramental Catholic, engage with other Catholics about our views.