Gloria.TV News on the 22nd of November. Open Rebellion: The head of the German bishops, archbishop Zollitsch of Freiburg has refused to withdraw his permission for un-repented adulterers to receive …More
Gloria.TV News on the 22nd of November.

Open Rebellion: The head of the German bishops, archbishop Zollitsch of Freiburg has refused to withdraw his permission for un-repented adulterers to receive Holy Communion. Archbishop Müller, head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, had requested correction from Zollitsch. Rebellion and opposition to Catholic doctrine is nothing new for the German bishops. In February, all of them agreed to allow the introduction of abortion through the use of the morning-after-pill in Catholic hospitals.

23,000 Young Catholics: Until Saturday, The National Catholic Youth Conference will gather more than 23,000 young Catholics up to the age of 17 in Indianapolis. The conference will include 325 priests, 35 bishops and several hundred religious. If you wish to watch five general sessions and four workshops live-streamed on the Internet, go to www.ncyc.info.

Lay-People Help Out: Blue Cloud Abbey, a former Benedictine monastery in northeastern South Dakota, was sold to a group of six couples who intend to transform it into an inn and retreat center. There have been discussions with the Sioux Falls Diocese about maintaining the Catholic identity of the abbey and the chapel. The buyers would even consider selling the property again in the future to a religious order. Blue Cloud Abbey was abandoned in August 2012.

From Catholicism to Kabbalah: The American singer Ariana Grande has abandoned her shaky Catholic beliefs after she learned from Pope Benedict that sin was wrong. According to Grande, the Pope allegedly said that the title character of the TV series Spongebob Squarepants is gay and – quote - he’s a sinner and he should burn in hell.” Gloria.TV has a suspicion that Pope Benedict has never heard of Spongebob Squarepants. Grande is currently practising Kabbalah but she will be disappointed again once she finds out that Jewish Religion is not less opposed to homosexual behavior than the Church.
Prof. Leonard Wessell
What Bp Zollitsch is doing here as reported is of very "little" importance, i.e., in comparison to the interview he gave in which he rejected as "brutal" the Catholic doctrine of "Sühnetod" of Jesus the Christ. The German word means that Jesus died for our sins so as to reconcile us with God. Zollitsch's view of Christ's role was effectively "therapeutic" (he did not use the word), i.e., Christ "…More
What Bp Zollitsch is doing here as reported is of very "little" importance, i.e., in comparison to the interview he gave in which he rejected as "brutal" the Catholic doctrine of "Sühnetod" of Jesus the Christ. The German word means that Jesus died for our sins so as to reconcile us with God. Zollitsch's view of Christ's role was effectively "therapeutic" (he did not use the word), i.e., Christ "accompanies'" us human through life, e.g., birth and death, PERIOD! In my opinion, Bp Zollitsch taught outright heresy with the clear opinion that the traditional Catholic view of the function of Jesus's crucifixion is false.
23,000 Young Catholics: Until Saturday, The National Catholic Youth Conference will gather more than 23,000 young Catholics up to the age of 17 in Indianapolis.
👏 👏 🙏 🙏 😇
Thanks for the news.
Don't know anything about 'Spongebob', but no surprise to read the character is gay. Always pushing their agenda.
„…Psychologists have now found that a brief exposure to SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward and the rest of the crew also appears to dampen preschoolers' brain power….”
Perhaps the Pope did watch SpongeBob at times???

„…Psychologists have now found that a brief exposure to SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward and the rest of the crew also appears to dampen preschoolers' brain power….”

Perhaps the Pope did watch SpongeBob at times???
Be punished the German bishops, especially Zollitsch, by Church punishment. They are responsible for death of many souls falling to the hell!
Thank you for the news, @Gloria.TV News.