
Why There Is Only One Pope | Gerhard Cardinal Müller

When Pope Benedict XVI stepped down from the Petrine ministry on February 28, 2013, and Francis was elected pope on March 13 of that year, a totally …
"...the fact that -according to current parlance- there is an 'emeritus' pope." The fact is Benedict publicly repudiated that tile years ago. So there isn't an "emeritus pope" "according to current parlance" -except among people who are uniformed or choose to remain so.
--Benedict explained that when he initially stepped down he wanted to be called 'Father Benedict' rather than Pope Emeritus or …More
"...the fact that -according to current parlance- there is an 'emeritus' pope." The fact is Benedict publicly repudiated that tile years ago. So there isn't an "emeritus pope" "according to current parlance" -except among people who are uniformed or choose to remain so.

--Benedict explained that when he initially stepped down he wanted to be called 'Father Benedict' rather than Pope Emeritus or Benedict XVI, but 'I was too weak at that point to enforce it.'--

Citation: (Tekton Ministries article: "Ratzinger’s Request: Simply call me ‘Father Benedict’)