
Father of Dead Son Lost His Faith: “I understand; it's normal for that to happen" - Francis

Francis continued his phone apostolate last Sunday when he called Cinzia Desiati in Rome, Garbatella, who lost her only son Fabrizio Di Bitetto, 21, in October 2019 when a Chevrolet Matiz with Fabrizio and four friends inside overturned several times.

“I've been getting this call with suppressed number for days, but I never answered in time,” Desiati told InTerris.it (July 28). She had written to Francis some time ago.

First, she thought it was a joke. "Everybody thinks it's a joke when I call," Francis replied.

Cinzia told Francis that her husband had lost his faith after the accident, to which Francis replied, “I understand. It's normal for that to happen."

He repeated more times that he understood the attitude of her husband and justified his attitude with the severe pain he felt.


Alex A
Francis, stop trying to be the 'populist.' The job of spiritually consoling the young man is for his parish priest, not you. Your job, which to-date you have failed miserably to carry out, is first and foremost, to defend the Traditional faith and ensure it is imparted in totality to all for whom you are the Supreme Shepherd.