So apparently jews were poisoning water. I always thought this was some antisemitic myth and wrongthink. Makes me wonder what other allegations of antisemitism will be proven to be true in the future. 🤔 🤔 🤔

Documents point to Israeli army’s 1948 biological warfare against Palestinians - Jordan News | Latest …

AMMAN — The Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz has revealed the existence of documents that officially …
Rendering enemy water sources un-drinkable is a common tactic in warfare. There was nothing nefarious or sneeky about it. The Arab armies knew it was contaminated and were denied the ability to use the wells. This occurred during the 1948 Jewish Arab war.
St. Michael ora pro nobis
What were they drinking instead, Coca Cola?
Camel 🐫 urine.
St. Michael ora pro nobis
Gross. 😬
St. Michael ora pro nobis
Not sure if all the palestinians wanted to kill the israelis. That would be like saying all jews were poisoning water. @Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The Israeli's were justified, because all the Palestinians wanted to do was kill them all.