
E. Michael Jones Removed From Irish Libraries

E. Michael Jones on Twitter: "I just got word that the Thought Police have removed all of my books from Irish libraries."
Get the facts from a Jew about the Jews
Be Ye Separate
@Jmy1975 Stalin's International Brigade was predominantly made up of Communist Jews, from many nations of the world.
They came together in Spain and participated in the murdering of nuns and priests, burned down many Catholic Churches, fought against Catholics such as General Francisco.
The Jews were so vicious that Stalin sent over from the USSR, that an American Jew named Herrick became disgusted …More
@Jmy1975 Stalin's International Brigade was predominantly made up of Communist Jews, from many nations of the world.
They came together in Spain and participated in the murdering of nuns and priests, burned down many Catholic Churches, fought against Catholics such as General Francisco.
The Jews were so vicious that Stalin sent over from the USSR, that an American Jew named Herrick became disgusted with the scene.
We were lied to, it wasn't a Spanish Civil War, it was very much a Catholic vs Jew war.
Jews agitated against the Catholic Church in Spain, as they are now doing in America.
How many statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary, have been destroyed by the Jew, George Soros' money?
Jesus Is Truth.
@Be Ye Separate Statistically, that "predominantly" is impossible. Communists, not Jews, murdered nuns, priests, etc. Hitler, not a Jew, killed a million Catholics. In the USA, Barack Obama, not a Jew, set us on the path. Are some Jews communists? Yes. As are most atheists. Pope Francis is a communist. Not a Jew.
You need intense therapy. Deep, deep therapy.
Bye now.More
@Be Ye Separate Statistically, that "predominantly" is impossible. Communists, not Jews, murdered nuns, priests, etc. Hitler, not a Jew, killed a million Catholics. In the USA, Barack Obama, not a Jew, set us on the path. Are some Jews communists? Yes. As are most atheists. Pope Francis is a communist. Not a Jew.

You need intense therapy. Deep, deep therapy.

Bye now.
Be Ye Separate
@Jmy1975 And you need a set of balls.
@Be Ye Separate, it takes balls to be an anti semite? Nah, it's cowardly. Intellectual lightweights use anti Semitism as an excuse for everything. And they've been doing it since Rome.
It takes guts to tell the truth. All you do is marinate in old libels from years ago. Being an anti semite is easy. It's easy to hate.
You aren't Catholic, you're a disturbed individual who should have trouble looking …More
@Be Ye Separate, it takes balls to be an anti semite? Nah, it's cowardly. Intellectual lightweights use anti Semitism as an excuse for everything. And they've been doing it since Rome.

It takes guts to tell the truth. All you do is marinate in old libels from years ago. Being an anti semite is easy. It's easy to hate.

You aren't Catholic, you're a disturbed individual who should have trouble looking at himself in the mirror. What you believe is not what Christ believes.
Be Ye Separate
@Jmy1975 Who are you to say I'm not Catholic? Get lost.
You didn't even comprehend what was written above.
Once again dopey, I am reading King David's Psalms, if i hated Jews , i would not be reading and deeply admiring a Jew.
You have no argument to defend the subversive, destructive false Jews, so you slander.
@Be Ye Separate You. Are. Not. Catholic. Every Jew today is a "Talmudic " Jew. You only like the "good Jews" of a bygone era. You are a bigot. Not a Catholic.
By the way, not only is "Brother Nathaniel" not a Jew, he's not a Catholic either. So why are you pushing his views?More
@Be Ye Separate You. Are. Not. Catholic. Every Jew today is a "Talmudic " Jew. You only like the "good Jews" of a bygone era. You are a bigot. Not a Catholic.

By the way, not only is "Brother Nathaniel" not a Jew, he's not a Catholic either. So why are you pushing his views?
@IndwellingTrinity Hitler wasn't elected. He coalesced power in the Reichstag , then burned it down.
Judaism and Jews can and should be criticized. For real things. But that's not what you're doing. You're assigning "Special Evil" status to entire group of people. A certain black magic to them that answers every question as to why the world sucks. And what that does is create the Hitlers.
No doubt …More
@IndwellingTrinity Hitler wasn't elected. He coalesced power in the Reichstag , then burned it down.

Judaism and Jews can and should be criticized. For real things. But that's not what you're doing. You're assigning "Special Evil" status to entire group of people. A certain black magic to them that answers every question as to why the world sucks. And what that does is create the Hitlers.

No doubt you'd buy ole Hitler an edible arrangement and a "Be Mine" teddy bear. You'd whip out the massage oils and wine and ask him to read passages from Mein Kampf.

My guess is you believe the Holocaust never happened, or wasn't that bad, etc.

Judaism is 100 percent wrong . But so is everything else except Catholicism.

Ps. Communism is not a Jewish idea. It is a German idea which traces its ideological roots back to Martin Luther and Protestant and German humanistic philosophy. Lenin hated Jews, and the vast majority of the communists in the USSR weren't Jews.
@eticacasanova, I've read the Gulag Archipelago, it's not Anti Jewish. Or anti semtitic. For every example of a bad Jew I can counter with a bad Christian. Moreover, the faith your profess is not built on hating Jews. Or any group of people. And shouldn't be.
YOU are a racist, naturally because Latin Americans only see things in terms of race and class, so I forgive you for falling back on it. It's …More
@eticacasanova, I've read the Gulag Archipelago, it's not Anti Jewish. Or anti semtitic. For every example of a bad Jew I can counter with a bad Christian. Moreover, the faith your profess is not built on hating Jews. Or any group of people. And shouldn't be.

YOU are a racist, naturally because Latin Americans only see things in terms of race and class, so I forgive you for falling back on it. It's just your culture.

Be a Catholic, not a bigot.
@eticacasanova So Lenin, et al that you mentioned explicitly rejected Judaism. They embraced, wait for it, COMMUNISM. Indeed, the USSR hated Jews as much as Hitler did. If you are a communist, you can't be a Jew. Or a Christian. Or anything else but a Commie.
Solzhenitsyn wasn't anti Jew. And on balance his criticisms of Jews are more moderate.
And by the way, that quote? Many Bolsheviks were …More
@eticacasanova So Lenin, et al that you mentioned explicitly rejected Judaism. They embraced, wait for it, COMMUNISM. Indeed, the USSR hated Jews as much as Hitler did. If you are a communist, you can't be a Jew. Or a Christian. Or anything else but a Commie.

Solzhenitsyn wasn't anti Jew. And on balance his criticisms of Jews are more moderate.

And by the way, that quote? Many Bolsheviks were CITIZENS OF COUNTRIES IN THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE. So no, they weren't "Russian", but the vast majority of the communist party were Russians. And the vast majority were not born Jewish.

You are infected with a disease and are trying hard to be clever. But you're not. Everyone knows Stalin was Georgian, etc. Many more baptized Christians became Bolsheviks / Communists than born Jews.

So why aren't you anti Christian?

Fact is you will never wake up: you were born a racist/bigot. It's part of your culture.

Russia is responsible for Russia's past, present, and future. Not "the Jews".

Again: communism is against all religions. A Jew/Christian/Muslim etc who pledges loyalty to The State, loses his religion.

I can't believe people like you exist.
3 more comments from Jmy1975
@eticacasanova It's all a big Jew conspiracy. What gets your juices flowing is hating the Jews. Not Catholicism, not mass, not Christian prayer, not hope, but Jew hatred.
I haven't seen him since high school, but one of my best friends from high school is Jewish. He never acted better than I did, never pushed porn on me, never advocated for gay rights, nothing. We played basketball and video games. …More
@eticacasanova It's all a big Jew conspiracy. What gets your juices flowing is hating the Jews. Not Catholicism, not mass, not Christian prayer, not hope, but Jew hatred.

I haven't seen him since high school, but one of my best friends from high school is Jewish. He never acted better than I did, never pushed porn on me, never advocated for gay rights, nothing. We played basketball and video games.

Where is he now? Working as a computer tech at a local university.

Would you accuse him of the blood libel?

There was a woman who was gassed during the Holocaust. She wrote, before she died, "If there is a God, he'll have to beg for my forgiveness." Why such rage? Well, she's was a normal person, living a normal life, and Then They Came for her. She watched everyone person she ever loved get raped, tortured, and murdered. And now she was next.

The point, my little racist Latin friend, is that the Jews are normal people with normal lives and normal fears. And people like you, who ascribe evil to them end up murdering them.

Jesus loves the Jews. He wants them to accept Him, as he does all those who reject Him. You'd better make peace with that Casanova. Otherwise, you're as lost as they are.
@eticacasanova I already answered your questions. And I asked you if my Jewish friend was part of the blood libel? Have you ever met a Jewish person? I don't make things personal, I tell the truth: show me you're not a bigot. So far you haven't.
@eticacasanova is my Jewish friend part of the blood libel or not? Can he be trusted? Answer me.
Be Ye Separate
The only "Bible" that i found in a local library, is a New Testament produced and commented on by today's unbelieving, false Jews.
They wrote within the introduction, that this was done to improve relations between Christians and Jews and because Jesus was a Jew, so their perspective would be helpful.
Audacity. Do these false Jews, think that the goyim are so idiotic, to not know that the New …More
The only "Bible" that i found in a local library, is a New Testament produced and commented on by today's unbelieving, false Jews.
They wrote within the introduction, that this was done to improve relations between Christians and Jews and because Jesus was a Jew, so their perspective would be helpful.
Audacity. Do these false Jews, think that the goyim are so idiotic, to not know that the New Testament writers were Jews, who believed in Jesus as Christ: Matthew, John, James, Peter, Paul, Jude-Thaddeus...
Vatican 2 caused such division, confusion and turmoil, that the Talmud Jews overwhelmingly gained control of mass media/publishing.
They are using it now to destroy our Churches.
Christ Is King.
Dr Bobus
No problem in Irish seminaries, where only 3.4 men are studying for the priesthood
Our Lady of Sorrows
Funny how everything can be suppressed/censored except child porn!