
He Was on Trend: Abusive Bishop Was Everybody's Darling

German-born Bishop Emil Stehle (1926-2017) who served in Ecuador is accused of ten counts of affairs with women and six counts of abusing minors.

The accusations were never a big secret. They happened at a time when the warmongering German Green Party, now part of the German government, considered such crimes to be peccadillos and actively worked to legalize pedophilia.

On August 8, the German bishops published a report on the ongoing investigation. One of Stehle’s victims may have been his own daughter.

Stehle also helped German homosexual/pedophile priests to start a new life in Latin America. Stehle supported them financially with funds from the German Bishops’ Conference.

His offences ranged from his time as a priest in Bogotá, Colombia (1950s), to heading the powerful aid agency Adveniat, owned by the German bishops (1972-1984), to Quito Auxiliary Bishop (1983-1986) and Santo Domingo Bishopo, Ecuador (1987-2002).

Not surprising, the liberal Stehle was the elites’ darling. He was the recipient of three honorary doctorates, received the German Federal Cross of Merit and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his mediation in the civil war in El Salvador.


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German bishop, accused of abuse, found to have helped wanted pedophile priests escape to Latin America