Opposition Against Pope Francis is “Very Strong” The opposition against Pope Francis in the Vatican is allegedly “very strong”, the Italian oligarch journalist Marco Politi told cath.ch which belongs …More
Opposition Against Pope Francis is “Very Strong”

The opposition against Pope Francis in the Vatican is allegedly “very strong”, the Italian oligarch journalist Marco Politi told cath.ch which belongs to the Swiss Bishops. Politi even claimed that there is a process of delegitimisation of Francis. According to Politi, Francis wants that the Church to be – quote – “not so dogmatic” anymore. He believes however, that Francis has become – quote - “more prudent” as he realizes that he causes huge divisions.

Politi believes that the Amazon Synod will abolish priestly celibacy, first in the Amazon region. But then, Politi expects that others will ask for the same measure in other parts of the Church – quote – “very quickly.”

During his flight to Rome from Morocco, Pope Francis, told the unsuspecting journalists on the plane that the French Philosopher Philippe Roqueplo gave him an important “hermeneutical light” and “key of understanding” in order to comprehend a situation.

An article on Aldo Maria Valli’s blog points out that Roqueplo is a lapsed Dominican and one of the most lunatic philosophers who ever existed. He claims, for instance, that it is wrong to consider an unborn child a human being as long as long as his mother does not “destine” him to become a human being. The article comments, “Roqueplo is one of those bad teachers who cleared the way to abortion in the Catholic world. His hermeneutic ‘light’ is, to say the least, luciferian.
Gesù è con noi
El hermano Jim Dorchak denuncia que en Chile por culpa de Bergoglio y del clero marxista homosexual ahora ya no hay división entre católicos porque ya casi nadie es católico. El clero apostata homosexual, el novus ordus y la teología de la liberación ha destruido la Iglesia católica en Chile.
Holy Cannoli
Dear Marco Politi,
Unsourced sources are useless. If for any reason you can’t name names, your story is as untrustworthy as American media.
Holy Cannoli
9. Should Catholics give credence to Maria Divine Mercy? 🤦
No. She is an anonymous, unapproved seer whose prophecies contain material that is both demonstrably false and contrary to Catholic teaching regarding the future.
Furthermore, to adhere to her prophecies can result in the grave sin and canonical crime of schism. www.ncregister.com/…/9-things-you-ne…
Col. Buckshot
Thank-you and may God please continue to Bless Gloria.tv!
So strong....there are daily rosaries in St Peter's square....NOT
We've been listening to the same story for six years.