
Francis Announced the Change of the Catechism on Death Penalty 2015 to a Private Lady

Already on March 27, 2015, Pope Francis wrote to a certain Maria Asuncion Milá from Seville, Spain, a handwritten letter announcing that he would change the Catechism on the death penalty.

According to ElMundo.es (August 8), Milá, a mother of 12, stems from a noble and wealthy family.

She has been fighting for decades against the death penalty and wrote to three popes asking them to change the Catechism. Francis was the only pope who answered her.

Milá was the vice-chairman of Amnesty International in Spain, an organisation that actively promotes abortion and has received money from the Western regimes.

Mr. Salvini is much more Catholic than PF. "Francis is too arrogant, too boorish, and too damn stupid to understand simple things." Mundabor.
Amnesty International has become the most strident promoter of the killing of babies in the world.