This is Sweden?
David Jorge Franc
Nordic countrys were so admired. Sweden was a country I would love to visit. Everything is more organized in the north europe. Now its very bad to see that people with so diferent values. In Lisbon this happens too.
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What would be more organized in North Europe than in Catholic south countries ? It's a legend. I don't believe it at all as it was the leftist press that wanted everybody admiring them just in order to take more immigrants. But everyone can recall that only a few countries could get rid of islamic hordes. Sweden now as a protestant one will be in difficulty to get mercy but we must hope for Saint …More
What would be more organized in North Europe than in Catholic south countries ? It's a legend. I don't believe it at all as it was the leftist press that wanted everybody admiring them just in order to take more immigrants. But everyone can recall that only a few countries could get rid of islamic hordes. Sweden now as a protestant one will be in difficulty to get mercy but we must hope for Saint Bridget of Sweden.
That's what happens, if you too self centered to have any children.
What city?