In the discourse about COVID vaccines online in Catholic circles, there was immense debate about the astronomically remote connection to abortion. In explicitly Catholic forums, this raged on for months. It seemed like almost 50% of Catholics were not vaccinated over this. But in actual surveys, the vast majority of Catholics who regularly attended Mass seemed to be vaccinating against COVID.
In …More
In the discourse about COVID vaccines online in Catholic circles, there was immense debate about the astronomically remote connection to abortion. In explicitly Catholic forums, this raged on for months. It seemed like almost 50% of Catholics were not vaccinated over this. But in actual surveys, the vast majority of Catholics who regularly attended Mass seemed to be vaccinating against COVID.

In fact, by the best estimate I can do, probably under 1% of Mass-attending Catholics rejected COVID vaccines primarily due to the astronomically remote connection to abortion...

Active Catholics Are the Most Vaccinated Religious Group | FrMatthewLC

In the discourse about COVID vaccines online in Catholic circles, there was immense debate about the astronomically remote connection …
Fr Matthew are you familiar with the term "recta ratio"? 2. And have you ever met Fr Matthew Devereux from New Zealand?
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
I have met Fr. Matthew, but I have not seen him in a while. I see his brother (also an LC priest) relatively often.
Recta Ratio simply means right reason and is used in several contexts in Catholic theology. Which context do you refer to?
Credo .
Fr. Matthew P. Schneider Legion of Christ. - 😬
Experimental mRNA gene therapy injections aren't vaccines, Matthew but you and the truth have little to nothing in common as anyone who is privy to your agenda already knows.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
Good thing they aren't experimental, and aren't gene therapy, as they are vaccines.
Dear Father , please stick to restoring the traditional Mass and leave the rest to the lay people.
Rand Miller
Astronomically remote? Safe and effective? How about mostly peaceful riots?
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
You are typing messages on the internet. That is less remote.
They are radically safer than covid. Most of the main possible side effects you are significantly (like 50+ times) more likely to get if you get covid.More
You are typing messages on the internet. That is less remote.

They are radically safer than covid. Most of the main possible side effects you are significantly (like 50+ times) more likely to get if you get covid.