Vatican Cardinal: The Cruelty & Hypocrisy of Francis's Motu Proprio “One may measure Pope Francis’ will to return to unity the deplored so-called ‘traditionalists’ against the degree of his determination …More
Vatican Cardinal: The Cruelty & Hypocrisy of Francis's Motu Proprio
“One may measure Pope Francis’ will to return to unity the deplored so-called ‘traditionalists’ against the degree of his determination to put an end to the innumerable ‘progressivist’ abuses of the liturgy that are tantamount to blasphemy.”
Jeffrey Ade
Bad pope! Badddd pope!
De Profundis
2019 Bergoglio venerated the Pachamama idol in St Peter's Basilica
2020 Faithful throughout the world denied the celebration of the Mass. Urged to have vax derived from aborted babies cell lines
2021 Bergoglio's motu proprio urges bishops to close down Mass of the Ages