
Israel: Second Hate Crime Against the Same Church

Criminals have stolen a 15-centimetre cross from the compound of the famous Church of the Multiplication of Breads in Tabgha, on the sea of Galilee.

The perpetrators may have arrived by boat. The cross was solidly embedded in a basalt rock which was used as "altar" for open-air eucharists on the shores of the sea.

The church belongs to the German Dormitio Mariae Monastery in Jerusalem and is wordfamous for its fish mosaic. It was reopened in February 2017 after it had been toched in 2015 by anti-Christian criminals who left behind Hebrew graffiti reading, “Idols will be cast out or destroyed.”

Renovation work costed around $1 million, of which the State of Israel contributed less than $400,000. The Jewish extremist Yinon Reuveni received in August 2018 a 4-year sentence for the crime.

Picture: © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsMfryjnwgzc