3 Reasons Why Catholics Can’t Support Black Lives Matter Sign your prayer for the police today: tfpstudentaction.org/…dge-to-protect-police-officers Did you know the Catholic Church was the institution …More
3 Reasons Why Catholics Can’t Support Black Lives Matter

Sign your prayer for the police today: tfpstudentaction.org/…dge-to-protect-police-officers

Did you know the Catholic Church was the institution that, for the first time in history, broke the back of “systemic” slavery in the ancient pagan world? The argument the Church advanced back then was simple: everyone is created with an immortal soul redeemed by Our Lord Jesus Christ.

In other words, all souls matter. That’s why the Church went forth to convert all nations. The Church has a long and honorable history of seeking after the salvation of souls wherever they might be, even to the ends of the earth. She never wavered in her conviction that all souls matter.

Thus, Catholics are by their nature anti-racist. They ardently desire the salvation of all souls, without exception, regardless of race.

But doubts arise with “Black Lives Matter.” Attached to this label are causes and philosophies that clash with the Church’s solicitude for the salvation of souls.

This video will show you why it’s impossible for Catholics to embrace the Black Lives Matter cause and still be faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

#socialism #blm #Catholic

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