
Cardinal Sarah: French Archbishop “Ordained” Genitally Mutilated Woman As “Deacon” (Video)

During a September 18 conference in Draguignan, France, Cardinal Sarah spoke about a case he had to deal with as prefect of the Liturgy Congregation.

He was contacted by a French archbishop about a woman who after eleven years of marriage decided to become a “man”.

She underwent a process of genital mutilation by which her breasts and her uterus were cut off – and decided to enter a seminary. Sure enough, her archbishop “ordained” her a “deacon” – and soon resigned from office thereafter.

His successor discovered the mess three months before the ordination date to the priesthood, and consulted Sarah, who – evidently – told him to cancel everything. Sarah was the Liturgy Prefect from November 2014 to February 2021. The following French archbishops resigned during Sarah’s term:

- Aix: Feidt
- Albi: Carré
- Auch: Gardès
- Bordeaux: Ricard
- Bourges: Maillard
- Clermont: Simon
- Lyon: Barbarin
- Marseille: Pontier
- Paris: Vingt-Trois
- Reims: Jordan
- Rouen: Descubes
- Sens: Patenôtre
- Strasbourg: Grallet
- Tours: Aubertin


Combien de transsexuels, vraies femmes biologiques, ont été ordonnées prêtres sans que personne ne le sache, y compris l'évêque, ou pire, avec sa complicité?
Nous apprenons UN seul cas de la bouche du Cardinal Sarah, presque par hasard, alors il est quasi certain qu'il y en a eu bien d'autres.
This hasn't been the first time transsexuals have pretended they were men but it's probably a first where senior clergy admitted knowledge.
Jan Joseph
Goed gedaan Kardinaal Sarah. Wat kunnen bischoppen er een puinhoop van maken.
John A Cassani
He certainly did the right thing, but matters dealing with validity of the Sacraments are under the jurisdiction of the CDF, not the CDW.