
The Council of Cardinals Shrinks

Pope Francis decided not to replace the Cardinals Pell, Errázuriz and Monsengwo who are leaving his Council of Cardinals.

The Council now consists of the Cardinals Maradiaga, Bertello, Gracias, Marx, O’Malley, and Parolin. The Council’s secretars are Albano Bishop Semeraro and Bishop-elect Marco Mellino.

All of them are hardcore modernist with an often very limited theological, intellectual and spiritual background.

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-SA, #newsSuskfrmfgm
Why are these cardinals leaving the council???
Just a concentrated club of Modernists, moderates, neo-cons and semi-trads gone.
Does this mean, that Francis is running out of liberals who could join his "club" and would support his sick ideas of destroying Our Mother Church?