
Vatican Calls Emiliano Fittipaldi A "Fraud"

Emiliano Fittipaldi, an Italian journalist involved in Vatileaks, has exploited the tragic case of Emanuela Orlandi, the daughter of an employee of the Vatican Bank, who mysteriously disappeared in June 1983.

In a new book, based on a forged three-page financial statement, Fittipaldi gives the impression that the Vatican invested the equivalent of almost 500.000 Dollars to allegedly keep Emanuela in London after her disappearance.

Fittipaldi himself has pointed out that he has no evidence that the document, published by him, is trustworthy and that he himself was not able to assess it. The semi-official Vatican website Il Sismografo called Fittipaldi a "fraud" who consciously used a questionable document to boost the sale of his book.

Picture: © European Parliament, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsHqcdgdqexz
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