
The Correction of Amoris Laetitia Is About to Be Published

Anonimi della Croce wrote on September 16 that Cardinal Raymond Burke disclosed in a private setting during the recent Congress on Summorum Pontificum in Rome, that a "correction" of the controversial Amoris Laetitia is imminent.

It will not openly confront Francis but will take the form of letter or document signed by Cardinal Burke and other prelates, who in a magisterial way will correct those parts of Amoris Laetitia that contradict the Catholic Faith.

Picture: Raymond Burke, © Goat_Girl, Flickr, CC BY, #newsUlboldadpt
Didn't Burke say himself he would make a public statement refuting Amoris Laetitia?
Pray for this Cardinal to be successful in waking up catholics to resit bad doctrine
Not sure if that will be enough to stop the madness of the masonic movement in the Church, but it may be enough to wake more people up.
Why don't they confront Francis to his face as St. Paul did to Peter? Not only would that be better for the sake of Francis' soul but it would show courage on the part of the cardinals and be a lesson to Francis that he is not above God and that the Catholic Church is not personified in him.
Our Lady of Sorrows
Today would be nice
About time...