Cardinal Dolan should watch this footage and rethink his comment (reported by LifeSiteNews) that Fr. Edward Dougherty "is a hero." He presided over the entire sacrilegious funeral & did nothing to stop …More
Cardinal Dolan should watch this footage and rethink his comment (reported by LifeSiteNews) that Fr. Edward Dougherty "is a hero." He presided over the entire sacrilegious funeral & did nothing to stop the outrages which took place.
Hound of Heaven
My how the term 'hero' has been bastardized in our confused Church and society.
Oh Dear Lord! Do you see the gay couple hugging in the church?!
Did he say Whore?.. sorry, I am upset..
English Catholic
LifeSiteNews have a petition to have St Patrick's exorcised and reconsecrated. Urge Cardinal Dolan to do exorcism and reparation after sacrilegious trans funeral in St. Patrick's Cathedral