
Una Voce Asks Francis To Uphold "Unity in Variety"

The International Federation Una Voce (FIUV) sponsored the anti-Catholic La Repubblica, Francis’ preferred newspaper, with a July 4 half-page advertisement.

It underlines the importance of Benedict’s Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum especially for families with children, for young people and converts who appreciate the Roman Mass in increasing numbers. This growth is “not due to nostalgia” or desire for “rigidity” but to - Francis quote - a "sense of adoration," the statement reads.

Una Voce asks Francis to let the Roman Mass exist as part of his “great orchestra” and “unity in variety.”

It states that “contrary to the Holy See's previous policy" there are still people within the Church, including some bishops, who would like to see the Roman Liturgy "explicitly suppressed or subject to further restrictions.” The letter conceals that Francis is the first among them.


P. O'B
I like the "variety" idea, but having a hard time with "unity" as far as Francis is concerned.
“The growth of interest in the traditional liturgy is not due to nostalgia for a time we do not remember, or a desire for rigidity: it is rather a matter of opening ourselves to the value of something that for most of us is new, and inspires hope.”
Worth a shot! However the SSPX position is the strongest in climate of a church hating it’s own existence.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Francis said at the Angelus (July 4) that “without openness to novelty and above all openness to God's surprises, without amazement, faith becomes a tiring litany that slowly extinguishes and becomes just a habit.”
When we cannot tell the difference between the Pope and the Dalai Lama, there's a problem.