James P. Sterba is a philosophy professor at "Catholic" University Notre Dame. His most recent book is “Is a Good God Logically Possible?” 'His answer: No. In an email, he wrote: “I argue for the view that the all good, all powerful God of traditional theism is logically incompatible with the degree and amount of evil in the world. This is an unusually strong stance . . . [that] adds a brand new …More
James P. Sterba is a philosophy professor at "Catholic" University Notre Dame. His most recent book is “Is a Good God Logically Possible?” 'His answer: No. In an email, he wrote: “I argue for the view that the all good, all powerful God of traditional theism is logically incompatible with the degree and amount of evil in the world. This is an unusually strong stance . . . [that] adds a brand new arrow to the atheist’s quiver.”

Opinion | I’m Jim Sterba, and So Is He

In 1989 I learned that another writer shares my name. Google isn’t making things easier.
Dr Bobus
His comments are an example of something that happened in the 1990s. The plan was that after the Vatican finished the implementation of the catechism, the next project would be restoration of the 2 yr philosophy programs. And the customary Vatican MO would be: Promulgate a document estolling philosophy and the pursuit of Truth. Then implement it in for all priestly formation.
The phenomenologists,…More
His comments are an example of something that happened in the 1990s. The plan was that after the Vatican finished the implementation of the catechism, the next project would be restoration of the 2 yr philosophy programs. And the customary Vatican MO would be: Promulgate a document estolling philosophy and the pursuit of Truth. Then implement it in for all priestly formation.

The phenomenologists, however swung into action, fortified by knowing that JPII was one of their own. They wanted the document to say that the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas was historically important, but it was a prelude to Phenomenology, which was the summit of philosophy.

Consequently, Fides et Ratio was promulgated, which extols reading and had no connection to the restoration of philosophy programs.

Dr Bobus
Guru of metaphysics, he ain't.
Decided all that by your little ole self jimmy boy eh? Intellectual pigmyies playing "god" is such a ridiculous and revolting spectacle!