Gloria.TV News on the 17th of November 2016 Self-Promotion? On Tuesday the 46-minute documentary, “Pope Francis In His Own Words” was presented in the Vatican. It contains direct testimonies of Francis …More
Gloria.TV News on the 17th of November 2016

Self-Promotion? On Tuesday the 46-minute documentary, “Pope Francis In His Own Words” was presented in the Vatican. It contains direct testimonies of Francis who speaks about his family, his vocation and his vision of the Church. The documentary was produced by the commercial TV news agency, Rome Reports.

Purges Imminent? The Italian journalist Sandro Magister has voiced concerns that a purge is imminent in the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family. The Institute was founded to defend the moral theology of John Paul II and, because of this, has been sidelined by Pope Francis. Magister believes that Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, the new Grand Chancellor of the Institute, would have no scruples to eliminate professors who do not bow to the new party line.

Differences? The outgoing president of the Catholic Relief Services, Carolyn Woo, cried on stage at the U.S. Bishops' fall 2016 meeting begging them to – quote – “not to give credence to our critics.” Catholic Relief Services is engulfed in a flood of scandals regarding the promotion of abortion, contraception and homo-sex ideology. Woo did not deny the accusations but instead lamented – quote – “how we hold on to differences.”

Tolerance for Offenses: Columbia University’s wrestling team has been accused of making offensive comments about blacks, women, and homosexualists. Harvard’s men’s soccer team has been accused of making offensive comments about women. In response, both universities have canceled the rest of the season. Catholic League’s Bill Donohue comments: “Why were these schools upset with offensive remarks made by their male athletes? After all, both have a record of tolerating offensive events targeting Catholics.”
Sam Gamgee
Problemino per Gloria TV : nel video c'e' la foto del libro su J.P. II di Charles E. Curran , uno dei piu' feroci dissidenti ed eretici in teologia morale dal 1967 ad oggi , a cui e' stato proibito dal Vaticano l' insegnamento !
Holy Cannoli
Tolerance for Offenses:
Donahue asks: Why were these schools (Columbia and Harvard) upset with offensive remarks made by their male athletes? After all, both have a record of tolerating offensive events targeting Catholics.
The answer is that select privileged groups are given more respect (read: humble submission) than others. Christians, in particular Catholics, are not one of those groups.
Dear …More
Tolerance for Offenses:

Donahue asks: Why were these schools (Columbia and Harvard) upset with offensive remarks made by their male athletes? After all, both have a record of tolerating offensive events targeting Catholics.

The answer is that select privileged groups are given more respect (read: humble submission) than others. Christians, in particular Catholics, are not one of those groups.

Dear Harvard: If you want us to take you seriously on sexism, stop promoting moral depravity
Vered Lavan