Bishop Athanasius Schneider incoherent and confused

MAY 8, 2017 Bishop Athanasius Schneider incoherent and confused Bishop Athanasius Schneider contradicts himself in the interview he recently gave to a Polish Catholic daily mainstream paper. Like the …More
MAY 8, 2017
Bishop Athanasius Schneider incoherent and confused
Bishop Athanasius Schneider contradicts himself in the interview he recently gave to a Polish Catholic daily mainstream paper.
Like the SSPX bishops he does not state the obvious, which is, invisible-for-us- baptism of desire is not visible for us. So it is not an explicit exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) as it was known to the 16th century missionaries.

For him it is an exception.
So he contradicts himself in the interview he recently gave to a Polish daily.
He accepts the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston which assumed invisible cases are visible. They are exceptions to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Bishop Schneider says
'There is no other religion which saves man, except the Catholic Church.'However he is also saying that there are other religions in which non Catholics can be saved and so are saved. So for him there are known cases of non Catholics saved in …
Lionel L. Andrades
As expected there is still not comment from Bishop Athanasius Schneider. I have been saying the same thing over the last few years.
In a few months he will give another interview which will be posted on Rorate Caeili in which he will repeat the same thing about Vatican Council II not specifying that he is referring to Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) and the conclusion of Vatican Council II ( …
As expected there is still not comment from Bishop Athanasius Schneider. I have been saying the same thing over the last few years.
In a few months he will give another interview which will be posted on Rorate Caeili in which he will repeat the same thing about Vatican Council II not specifying that he is referring to Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) and the conclusion of Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) would be different.
His interpretation of Vatican Council II is the same as the Left and the liberals.So they would welcome his regular statements. Their message too is that Vatican Council II is a rupture with the past.The do not want him to interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism.
If he does interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism then the Council will not be a rupture with the old ecclesiology on ecumenism, other religions and salvation, Social Reign of Christ the King, non separation of Church and State etc.
Vatican Council II would also be saying, he would also be saying , that all Jews and Muslisms are oriented to the fires of Hell without 'faith and baptism'(AG 7).But he does not say this!?
He does not discuss this issue.