The Head of the SSPX: It's Like Starting Over With Pope Francis

Photo ~ Bishop Bernard Fellay, superior of the Society of St. Pius X, is pictured in 2012 near a photo of Pope Benedict XVI at the society's headquarters in Menzingen, Switzerland. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)More
Photo ~ Bishop Bernard Fellay, superior of the Society of St. Pius X, is pictured in 2012 near a photo of Pope Benedict XVI at the society's headquarters in Menzingen, Switzerland. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
Bishop Bernard Fellay’s opening remarks are about the new pontificate.
The arrival of a new pope can be rather like resetting our odometers to zero. Especially with a pope who distinguishes himself from his predecessors by his way of acting, speaking, and intervening and makes quite a contrast. This can cause people to forget the preceding pontificate.... It is certain that the first interventions of the pope have caused a lot of haziness....
Many of the Holy Father’s offhand comments, the Swiss prelate notes, have been surprising, and offensive to “almost everyone, not just us, but all conservatives in general.”
What the pope thinks personally does not interest us; what we expect from him is that he be the voice of Christ and therefore the voice of God, who repeats to us what God has …More
A bishop with a spine! There are not many of them. The Pope thinks there are fruits??? Is he having a laugh, the Church is in free fall all over Europe and the people left are led, in the main , by priests who's formation is seriously questionable - from the garbage taught in their seminaries. Scotland has none left, Ireland has the fame of the bishop who's diocese the biggest Irish seminary once …More
A bishop with a spine! There are not many of them. The Pope thinks there are fruits??? Is he having a laugh, the Church is in free fall all over Europe and the people left are led, in the main , by priests who's formation is seriously questionable - from the garbage taught in their seminaries. Scotland has none left, Ireland has the fame of the bishop who's diocese the biggest Irish seminary once was - and he admitted on Irish National television that he hasn't believed in God for years!!!
You couldn't make it up.
The German bishops are pornographers , Our Lady's words are all proving true - diabolical disorientation decends from the top!

Almighty God, save us from this current clergy and their apostasy, Amen.
Finally one Bishop with common sense. Thanks
God bless Bishop Fellay! 🙏 🙏 🙏