
Synod Member Wants Female Deacons, Married Priests And Communion "For All"

Francis’ synod should discuss married priests, the [invalid] ordination of women and communion for all participants in a Eucharist, Bishop Alfredo De la Cruz, 62, of San Francisco de Macorís, Dominican Republic, a member of the synod, said at a September 18 event (CatholicNewsAgency.com).

De la Cruz distanced himself “from everything that fundamentalism [= Catholic faith] means, from the belief that doctrine can't be touched [= changed].”

Cruz' Eucharist is a “meeting place for all brothers” and he believes that it is not possible to say, “I meet my brother, but to one group I don't give anything to eat’ and I leave them hungry.” But Communion is not food [= barbecue etc.], Holy Mass is not a "meeting", and to receive Communion unworthily is to receive one's own judgement.


Simon North
Minimally: effeminate. Worst case: I don't need to tell you. Bergoglio appointment.