
Case Martínez: "Almost Certainly" Expelled Fom Opus Dei

Teruel Bishop José Antonio Satué, the judge of José María Martínez, an Opus Dei teacher falsely accused of abuse, will “almost certainly” expel him from the Opus Dei.

Such an injustice would not only be outrageous but also absurd, since Francis’ Opus Dei motu proprios have already expelled all lay members from it.

InfoVaticana explains that the canonical trial against Martínez is a farce, because its outcome has been decided by Francis “a long time ago.”

All the rest “is nothing more than a poorly executed parade that puts the Vatican on the same level as a banana republic.”

Bishop Satué wants to commit the crime before Christmas while Martínez denounces the "opacity" behind the trial.

The consolation remaining for Martínez is, that there is a justice above that of men.
