
Francis Is a Sterile Dictator - Archbishop

Argentinian Archbishop Héctor Aguer, 80, described the unjust removal of Bishop Strickland in a November 14 statement as “another 'feat' of the absolute papal monarchy”.

“I want to express my solidarity with Bishop Strickland, to whom I promise my poor prayers for his future status as a 'cancelled' bishop.”

Aguer added, “Progressivism is sterile; young people are looking for a Catholic Church that is faithful to its origins and to the best of its history. They are the future of Catholicism.”


Jan Joseph
Ja, jonge mensen willen weer het Traditionele Rooms Katholieke geloof terug van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie.
Helaas kan dat niet in de Katholieke kerk, daarom beginnen deze jonge mensen steeds meer met huiskapellen, schuilkerken, waar gelovige priesters uit de Rooms Katholieke kerk stiekem de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis opdragen. Deze priesters worden op handen gedragen door de gelovigen.
How about a US survey about who thinks their bishop has damaged the Faith. Let's start with the Lexington Diocese, Kentucky.