the most unbelievable event we’ve ever heard about.
Louis IX
Curious, as many former Catholics of my acquaintance refer to themselves, obnoxiously, as “recovering catholics”.
Yes, this conference is just a re-branding of those who reject the faith due to "psychological abuse" - just like the woke who say they are offended! I know one young priest who now calls himself a "home school survivor" expressing how he was ill-served by his parents teaching him. God have mercy!
Louis IX
He sounds like a putz.
Tony Smith
They are getting desperate. No one is buying their cool aid.
Lisi Sterndorfer
😂 That’s a pretty good joke actually, they could’ve waited till April 1st though.
Ivan Tomas
Indeed. This is truly weird. But, if I take a close look at it... no wonder, ... when you see the name of that city, it explains a lot.