
Cardinal hits young traditionalists who want to ‘be clear in their positions’:

source: Lifesite Hilary White

Mon Feb 9, 2015 - 3:18 pm EST

Cardinal hits young traditionalists who want to ‘be clear in their positions’: calls it ‘the beginning of terrorism

cardinal reinhard marx , catholic , communion for remarried , synod on the family

February 9, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) – One of Pope Francis’ closest advisors, and the leader of one of the most “liberal” Catholic hierarchies in the world, has denounced “traditional” young people for wanting “to be clear in their positions,” warning that it is a path to “terrorism.” In a related interview with the Jesuit magazine America, Cardinal Reinhard Marx, the head of the German Bishops’ conference, applauded people in homosexual partnerships who want a “lifelong” relationship.

“I am astonished that most of our young people, and also Catholic homosexuals who are practicing, want a relationship that lasts forever,” Marx told America. “We must begin with the main points of the doctrine, to see the dream: the dream is to have a person say, a man and woman say, ‘You and you, forever. You and you, forever.’ And we as church say, ‘Yes, that’s absolutely OK. Your vision is right!’
“So we find the way. Then perhaps there is failure. They find the person, and it is not a great success. But life-long fidelity is right and good.”
He added, “The church says that a gay relationship is not on the same level as a relationship between a man and a woman. That is clear. But when they are faithful, when they are engaged for the poor, when they are working, it is not possible to say, ‘Everything you do, because you are a homosexual, is negative.’”
In his Stanford lecture, Cardinal Marx said, “I had a discussion with some of the students,” before the lecture, who asked him, “‘Cardinal is it true that the younger people are more traditional?’ And that’s true.”

read on here: www.lifesitenews.com/news/cardinal-hits-y…
Long before Vatican II there were the German Theologians: Carl Rahner, Hans Kung et all who sought to introduce their modernist principles into the Council documents. They advised the bishops of the council. Their modernist influence still threatens the established dogmas of the Catholic Church. We see today this aptly named Cardinal MARX advise the pope with his world view. So you see nothing has …More
Long before Vatican II there were the German Theologians: Carl Rahner, Hans Kung et all who sought to introduce their modernist principles into the Council documents. They advised the bishops of the council. Their modernist influence still threatens the established dogmas of the Catholic Church. We see today this aptly named Cardinal MARX advise the pope with his world view. So you see nothing has really changed. The Reine truly flows into the Tiber.
Why is he still "inside" the church? What an imbecile !
The day they kick out these gangsters in Roman collars out
of the Church will be a day to celebrate.More
Why is he still "inside" the church? What an imbecile !

The day they kick out these gangsters in Roman collars out
of the Church will be a day to celebrate.
Leonard Wessell
@rhemes1582, you do not need to thank me. Cardinal Marx struct a sore point with me. It irriates me enormously how the representatives of "be uncertain" can with such absolute certainty. It enrages me theoretically and the anger got the best of me. A debate I would do, but I should be less bubbly with words.
Contradicting my self-warning to to use to many words, I do suggest a puzzle for the likes …More
@rhemes1582, you do not need to thank me. Cardinal Marx struct a sore point with me. It irriates me enormously how the representatives of "be uncertain" can with such absolute certainty. It enrages me theoretically and the anger got the best of me. A debate I would do, but I should be less bubbly with words.

Contradicting my self-warning to to use to many words, I do suggest a puzzle for the likes of Card. Marx & Co. Do look up or watch internet videos on the Spartans, particularly their integration of homosexuality into the building of their fighting spirit (you know a spirit of surprises). Homosexual bonding intensified military solidity and made those, perhaps, first Western professionals of war into the leading force in ancient Greece and who played an important role both in slowing up one Persian evasion and destroying another. Given our modern times, perhaps we could find admirable traits in a fully bi-sexual army!?!

Note: group solidarity is an admirable trait. Friendship between men is an admirable trait. Homosexuality, re Cardinal Marx, when done in a bonding manner is an admirable trait. Dying one for the other is an admirable trait. Introducing methods of moral solidarity for the the good of the whole, even if it means a part of the whole sacrifices its specific life is an admirable traith. When we add up Card. Marx-ish all such admirable traits together it would seem that an army of practicing homosexuals, fighting for the preservation of the city-state (in those days literally victory or death) was a perfectly admirable organization << resting on Spartan civil and political organization. Question: I would like to read what Cardinal Marx and his co-sly ones would have to say. Given the Cardinal's argumentation i cannot see how he would not list the Spatran military organzation with its homosexual glue not to be a fine and wonderful thing, setting aside any ethic considerations. You can rest asured that the Spartans found it to be ethically acceptable. Can anyone come to Marx' defense?
@Leonard Wessell
Thank you for your contributions.
Leonard Wessell
P.S. Any debate with Cardinal Marx could be in English, German, Spanish or French. The theme would be "rationality" as a structure of thinking clearly about certitude or incertitude (sic), probably focusing upon a. institutional rationality, b. contextual rationality and c. situational rationality (where Card. Marx reaches the heíghts of sly proapanada applied to ethics or, rather, how to get around …More
P.S. Any debate with Cardinal Marx could be in English, German, Spanish or French. The theme would be "rationality" as a structure of thinking clearly about certitude or incertitude (sic), probably focusing upon a. institutional rationality, b. contextual rationality and c. situational rationality (where Card. Marx reaches the heíghts of sly proapanada applied to ethics or, rather, how to get around ethics). I am not interested in the man's conclusions as much as in the supposed "rationality" formally entailed in his argumentations. I am letting myself be inspired, a bit, by Barbara Townly, Reason's Neglect. Rationality and Organization (2008). I do not really think that a debate is in the cards. When it comes to rationality, philosophy and literature my academic titles outweigh Card. Marx' pelate title. From my point of view, the two of us do not belong to the same "religious" organization as our views contradict each other in the basic motor of thought, i.e., honest rationality, not propaganda.
Leonard Wessell
Pardon, I accidentally pressed the "Submit" space. So I will finish my last sentence, the most imporant part of my argument. So pease read first my comment below:
.... and 3) one will slowly alter ethically the material evaluation of the acts with formally positive features. The formally admirable features will marginalize the materially obectionable notae, such that de facto Catholics will …More
Pardon, I accidentally pressed the "Submit" space. So I will finish my last sentence, the most imporant part of my argument. So pease read first my comment below:

.... and 3) one will slowly alter ethically the material evaluation of the acts with formally positive features. The formally admirable features will marginalize the materially obectionable notae, such that de facto Catholics will come to affirm the material act itself as ethically good. And that is Cardinal Marx' theology of "dreams", in reality a nightmare for Christ. In other words, Cardinal Marx & Co are in the process (perhaps even with invincible self-deceit) of de facto changing Catholic doctrine (even doctrine derived from Christ's own words) into a new doctrine. The method consists of the following: 1. Consider acts separated from their ethical nature. 2. Affirm and praise, apparently only formally, features of the acts non-etically considered. 3. This will result in the material re-evaluation of the act, eventually adjusting it to "modernity", amen. Shades of Goebels! Cardinal Marx impresses me.

I would debate this matter, preferably in writing, with Cardinal Marx at any time.
Signed: Professor Dr Dr Dr. Leonard Wessell
One more comment from Leonard Wessell
Leonard Wessell
I have read the full article on Card. Marx. If I had the time I could draw propagandistic parallel, just formally, between the Cardinal's clever argumentation and many a diatribe by Joseph Goebels, a propandistic forerunner of talent to C. Marx. Let me suggest a tale of two marvelous soldiers illustrating formally some non-ethical features that, according to C. Marx, one should look at as he refers …More
I have read the full article on Card. Marx. If I had the time I could draw propagandistic parallel, just formally, between the Cardinal's clever argumentation and many a diatribe by Joseph Goebels, a propandistic forerunner of talent to C. Marx. Let me suggest a tale of two marvelous soldiers illustrating formally some non-ethical features that, according to C. Marx, one should look at as he refers to loving homosexuals (who do not, even, when married, generally remain sexually exclusive as their sexuality allows them promiscuity, yet faith in, help of, sharing with each other).

Two Catholics soldiers, fighting for the clear common good of their nation, must carry out a dangerous task, one significantly contributing to the amelioration of their nation, proceed to aid, love and support one another in their task, indeed, one even showing no greater love than to surrender his life for his buddy. Is not my description something that Card. Marx could grasp, applaud and use as an example of looking at acts of soldiery independent of ethical concerns, formally speaking of course. Now let us look at the material, viz., concrete situation. The two soldiers are fanatic SS men, though believing Catholics, at a concentration camp dedicated to eliminating (like doctors do a virus) elements harmful for the general good of the "Master Race" (you know, Card. Marx genetic stock). These heroric, self-sacrificing, socially active soldiers are defending the camp from the approaching Allied army. These brave young men, let us make them homosexuals too, are risking their lives for their VOLK, viz., common good so that the cleansing process of gassing a harmful biological life form (Jews), one so determined by the Minister of Health, may continue with its social justice benefits.

Please note, that my comparison with Cardinal Marx's non-ethical descriptions of the concrete reality he experiences is done FORMALLY in analogy to his modeof arguing. Just as the Cardinal was so enthused with the desire for commitment between homosexuals in marriage (or not?), so I constructed above a FORMAL parallel of SS soldiers, believing materially in the Nazi ideology, though also believing Catholics, fighting unto self-sacrifice for the welfare of the Master Race (or to use the code word today, namely "THE POOR"), a social justice goal of central importance to Pope Francis' preaching. I have no doubt that even Cardinal Marx would not praise the SS soldiers for their formally excellent qualities (and, formally speaking, they are excellent). Why, because the intrinsic nature of this specific act of soldiers, i.e., contriubiting to the gas death of millions, is MATERIALLY evil.

Here, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have the sly, clever alteration that Cardinal Marx, and apparently in accord with Pope Francis, is trying to introduce into Catholic doctrine (while at the same time denying that he is concerned with doctrine, only pastoral "love"). The Cardinal ceases examining the ethicalness of the material essence of the act and, instead, shifts focus to whatever features of the material act that ilicit positive evaluations, considered formally. I do not even think Goebels reached such underhanded cleverness. I congraduate the Cardinal for set new height for propaganda experts. 1. Ignore the material nature of acts, focus upon formal features that are truly positive; 2. stress and stress this formally positive features either to the exclusion of their material content or to minimizing it and 3. one will slowly alter the