
Pope Francis' Foundation Promotes Gender Ideology

Scholas Occurrentes is a Vatican based foundation that aims at connecting schools. It started in Buenos Aires under Cardinal Bergoglio and is strongly supported by him. Through its series “Con Francisco …More
Scholas Occurrentes is a Vatican based foundation that aims at connecting schools. It started in Buenos Aires under Cardinal Bergoglio and is strongly supported by him.
Through its series “Con Francisco a mi lado” ("With Francis At My Side") it promotes gender ideology. Dealing with "diversity" the series includes homosexual couples with children as one form of "family". Under the header "self esteem" it promotes the free choice "sexual identity". In July 2016, returning from Azerbaijan, Francis called gender an "ideological colonisation" and a "malignity".
The Vaticanista Marco Tosatti comments, "As it often happens in this Pontificate, there are no clear answers. Certain phrases, behaviours, positions, and especially choices and promotions often appear contradictory, ambiguous, not to say schizophrenic."
Picture: © Antoine Mekary, Aleteia, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsNhytaedwxv
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San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Bergoglio called gender an "ideological colonisation" and a "malignity" but in the same time he supports Gender Ideology, for example the lesbian couple that he invited to the Vatican, he treat as a man the lesbian with the sex change and their homosexual relationship as if it were a marriage.
Something that for Bergoglio is nothing new: as the transvestite …More
Bergoglio called gender an "ideological colonisation" and a "malignity" but in the same time he supports Gender Ideology, for example the lesbian couple that he invited to the Vatican, he treat as a man the lesbian with the sex change and their homosexual relationship as if it were a marriage.
Something that for Bergoglio is nothing new: as the transvestite (Roberto Trinidad-Flor de la V) to whom he allowed gay adoption and sacrilegious communion in Argentina.
Católicos Apostólicos
Today there are more than 400,000 Scholas Occurrentes, in about eighty countries on five continents. And since August 15, 2015 they have been a “pious foundation” of pontifical right, established as such by a chirograph of Francis: chiesa.espresso.repubblica.it/articolo/1351308bdc4.html
In June 2016 (month of gay pride) Francis' award to Hollywood pro-abortion, anti-marriage advocates endangers …More
Today there are more than 400,000 Scholas Occurrentes, in about eighty countries on five continents. And since August 15, 2015 they have been a “pious foundation” of pontifical right, established as such by a chirograph of Francis: chiesa.espresso.repubblica.it/articolo/1351308bdc4.html
In June 2016 (month of gay pride) Francis' award to Hollywood pro-abortion, anti-marriage advocates endangers the family Francis presided as the pontifical foundation he founded, Scholas Occurrentes, awarded an Olive Medal for Peace to George Clooney, Richard Gere, and Salma Hayek at a publicized Vatican event. www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/pope-francis-aw…