"I ended up in the ER Wednesday night after taking the second injection of Pfizer. I was diagnosed with pericarditis. The Dr. said this is now common after the Pfizer injection, especially with teennage …Más
"I ended up in the ER Wednesday night after taking the second injection of Pfizer. I was diagnosed with pericarditis. The Dr. said this is now common after the Pfizer injection, especially with teennage boys and young males" - Related: 1. Viral Twitter post claims 13yo died of ‘cardiac event’ as doctors cons… - 2. "Pfizer's confidential report reveals dire side effects in its covid v… - 3. "La Dra. Acevedo explica la miocarditis resultante de las 'vacunas' co… - 4. "NOS ESTAN MATANDO 62" - Stephanie Gard fue trasladada de urgencia al … - 5. Las inyecciones covid causan graves problemas cardíacos. - 6. Estudios sobre los efectos adversos de las "bakunaz K0B1T". - 7. LAS VACUNAS COVID SON UNA EMPRESA CRIMINAL. - 8. NO a la vacunación obligatoria. - 8. A student athlete hospitalized with myocarditis (severe heart inflamma…
IN SPANISH: "Terminé en la sala de emergencias el miércoles por la noche después de tomar la segunda inyección de Pfizer. Me diagnosticaron pericarditis. El Dr …Más
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