A Constitution for Demons
JOHN ZMIRAKThe Constitution of the United States today, as currently interpreted by the nation’s highest authorities, has a view of man that is neither Christian nor scientific, but demonic.

A Constitution for Demons - The Stream

As decent people across the country — by which I mean pro-lifers — wait for the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on Mississippi’s challenge to Roe v. Wade, it’s worth …
John A Cassani
Regardless of what the court decides, we still will have a lot of work to do. I believe Kavanaugh was saying something like, “So, you’re not saying the Constitution is either pro-life, or pro-choice, right?” I believe it’s clear that the framers would not have construed their document to have allowed abortion. We can’t depend on the judiciary to do the right thing.
chris griffin
Mason TrevalhoThe Constitution of the United States today, as currently interpreted by the nation’s highest authorities, has a view of man that is neither Christian nor scientific, but demonic”. I would say that is extraordinarily bold and something that Madison never said.
Mason Trevalho
Anything not moral has to be immoral. Madison said the same thing, just not with the same verbosity.
Mason Trevalho
Zmirak's claim wasn't bold. James Madison said the same thing 223 years ago. Liberty not ordered to morality is anarchy. So that's why libertarianism, which like the French revolutionists, wanted liberty from everything, including Christian morals, became a terror.
Madison:" Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."More
Zmirak's claim wasn't bold. James Madison said the same thing 223 years ago. Liberty not ordered to morality is anarchy. So that's why libertarianism, which like the French revolutionists, wanted liberty from everything, including Christian morals, became a terror.

Madison:" Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
Jeffrey Ade
Great article. I think "pro-lifers" are keyed up for Roe-V-Wade overturning but don't realize the USSC makes decision based on expediency! So now the US has what it wants they don't need R-V-W anymore.