“I do not think Joe Biden should have shown up for today’s National Prayer Breakfast. It is an offense to God to worship Him while advancing the direct killing of babies by abortion,” he told LifeNews. “When you lift up your hands in prayer, I will not listen; your hands are filled with blood. (Isaiah 1:15)”

Biden Headlines National Prayer Breakfast Days After Launching Campaign to Expand Abortion - LifeNews.com

Joe Biden headlined the National Prayer Breakfast today just days after his administration promised …
Woe to Biden. Mocking the Holy Spirit.
Father D. Joseph Waugh
Never. The people that have the power to do it are just like him.
He and his kind worship themselves
Taking Recourse EXDirector
When will they take a stand and excommunicate this man.
Jeffrey Ade
I think this is typical Communist Double speak! Nothing new here!