Father D. Joseph Waugh
Father D. Joseph Waugh shares from en.news
Francis attends Indigenous ‘healing dance’ to ‘Mother Earth’ during Canada trip

Francis In Canada: Pseudo-Apologies And Bright Costumes

Francis produced great images for the oligarchs' media by meeting local Indians on July 25 in Maskwacis, Canada. He stopped to pray in silence at a cemetery where former boarders are buried, most of …More
Francis produced great images for the oligarchs' media by meeting local Indians on July 25 in Maskwacis, Canada.
He stopped to pray in silence at a cemetery where former boarders are buried, most of whom died of tuberculosis. Then he apologised, [rightly] accusing others: "I humbly ask forgiveness for the [unspecified] evil committed by so many Christians against indigenous peoples."
Further, he asked forgiveness for “ways many members of the Church cooperated, not least through their indifference, in projects of cultural destruction forced assimilation promoted by governments of that time.” Francis' active collaboration with the covid and homosexual regime, however, is much worse.
Having done this, the chiefs of the Métis and Inuit recognised him as "a great chief." Francis received an Indian headdress. A smile beamed across his face as it was placed on his head. He clearly liked being "a great chief."
Indians in bright costumes played songs accompanied by drums and dances (The video …More
Father D. Joseph Waugh
Hello Hermit, thank you for your question. I criticize Bergolio and the other criminals in Mitres openly in the tone that I do because he deserves it,…More
Hello Hermit, thank you for your question. I criticize Bergolio and the other criminals in Mitres openly in the tone that I do because he deserves it, and I am not afraid of him or the clowns he surrounds himself with, as most Novus Ordo Priests do. They live in fear of him and their bishop. Afraid they will lose their paycheck, health insurance, residence. I fear none of it. I left the Novus Ordo to speak freely, they would have thrown me out sooner or later anyway. They tried to silence me. I am not wired for silence in the face of injustice. I was a Permanent Deacon of the Novus Ordo. I am now a Priest of the See of Caer-Glow of the Old Roman Catholic Church, Diocese of Florida. I left the Novus Ordo because everyday it made me sick to my stomach to see that the fraud Bergoilo was destroying my be-loved church and there wasn't anyone lifting a finger to stop him. Unlike the Novus Ordo, my ordination, sacraments and mass are all valid. Our Apostolic Succession is clear, We are defenders …More
Credo .
@ Father D. Joseph Waugh. Excuse my ignorance (Father) Which Catholic order do you come from??
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Father D. Joseph Waugh shares from Scapular
DISCOLORED And DEOXYGENATED- Blood Cells Exposed To Pfizer's Vaccine Lose Healthy Red Color and Oxyg. Dr. Richard Fleming presents his & Dr. Kevin McCairn's research findings related to discoloration …More
DISCOLORED And DEOXYGENATED- Blood Cells Exposed To Pfizer's Vaccine Lose Healthy Red Color and Oxyg.
Dr. Richard Fleming presents his & Dr. Kevin McCairn's research findings related to discoloration & deoxygenation of red blood cells exposed to Pfizer-Biontech covid19 vaccine. Full report here: banned.video/watch?id=617805b37031df173f85c2d9
Highly respected medical doctor and inventor, Richard Fleming, has released a 32-minute detailed presentation documenting his shocking findings. In late 2020, before the Pfizer shot had even been rolled out, top scientists and experts around the world warned the Pfizer and Moderna shots posed extreme risk of causing blood clots, myocarditis and other cardiovascular problems.
To find out more about this ground-breaking research, visit Fleming-Method.com
Join our leading researchers on groupdiscover.com/login to find the best videos from across the censorship-resistant internet …More
Facts Not Lies
Just a coincidence that graphene oxide in the blood stream also causes similar damage. sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1748013220300918More
Just a coincidence that graphene oxide in the blood stream also causes similar damage.
this info. will never get to main media because the narrative is vacinated good ,unvacinated bad ,and the big bucks go to vaccine investors ,you know …More
this info. will never get to main media because the narrative is vacinated good ,unvacinated bad ,and the big bucks go to vaccine investors ,you know who they are