Father D. Joseph Waugh
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid

I accept your apology.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid

Actually, the conversation was about you asking me for my information which I gave you. And then you telling me about your disapproval of me. You don't even know me. I tried to give you a little insight as to how I got here but then you accuse me of lying. And then you say I'm pretending to be a priest. Don't forget, I'm the one with my name on display for all my friends and family to see, not you …More
Actually, the conversation was about you asking me for my information which I gave you. And then you telling me about your disapproval of me. You don't even know me. I tried to give you a little insight as to how I got here but then you accuse me of lying. And then you say I'm pretending to be a priest. Don't forget, I'm the one with my name on display for all my friends and family to see, not you. You are in hiding. Quit being a coward and use your real name. Won't be so easy to lie. And as far as the video goes, I already know about everything in the video, it is not new to me. And yes I believe all of it. The Novus Ordo is that bad. Maybe not in your particular church, but it's just a matter of time before it is.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid

And yes, I am a Priest, a good one. Get over it!
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid

And your right, I do spend too much time here. It's because I get involved in useless conversations with know it all's like yourself. You asked me a question, and in good faith I answered honestly. Gave you even more than you asked for to help you understand. But then you insult me with "I don't believe you." It is a waste of time talking with you and as the saying goes, you can't fix stupid.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid

You know Hermit, if you think about it. As far as what you believe here, I have my name on every comment I make for the whole world to see, and you hide under a fake name. Who's really telling the truth? The guy with his name on everything or the guy who cowardly hides his?
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid

I think you need to get a life. You are spending way too much time on Gloria.TV
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Francis In Canada: Pseudo-Apologies And Bright Costumes

Hello Hermit, thank you for your question. I criticize Bergolio and the other criminals in Mitres openly in the tone that I do because he deserves it, and I am not afraid of him or the clowns he surrounds himself with, as most Novus Ordo Priests do. They live in fear of him and their bishop. Afraid they will lose their paycheck, health insurance, residence. I fear none of it. I left the Novus Ordo …More
Hello Hermit, thank you for your question. I criticize Bergolio and the other criminals in Mitres openly in the tone that I do because he deserves it, and I am not afraid of him or the clowns he surrounds himself with, as most Novus Ordo Priests do. They live in fear of him and their bishop. Afraid they will lose their paycheck, health insurance, residence. I fear none of it. I left the Novus Ordo to speak freely, they would have thrown me out sooner or later anyway. They tried to silence me. I am not wired for silence in the face of injustice. I was a Permanent Deacon of the Novus Ordo. I am now a Priest of the See of Caer-Glow of the Old Roman Catholic Church, Diocese of Florida. I left the Novus Ordo because everyday it made me sick to my stomach to see that the fraud Bergoilo was destroying my be-loved church and there wasn't anyone lifting a finger to stop him. Unlike the Novus Ordo, my ordination, sacraments and mass are all valid. Our Apostolic Succession is clear, We are defenders of the true Catholic Church, defenders against modernism. I am unruly a bit I know when it comes to the Fake Pope Bergolilo, but as he is an agent of the devil I treat him as he were the devil himself. No quarter. He deserves no respect and he gets no respect from me. What you see many times in my off color comments are my NY sense of humor. Can't help it, and I don't apologize for it. God Bless !
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid

You are very impatient. I was just finishing up my response to you from your last question. I do have more to do than get on social media.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid

The case has been made here. The Novus Ordo is not valid.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Breaking news: Actor Shia LaBeouf converts to Catholicism

Somebody needs to keep him away from Bishop Barron and the "everybody goes to heaven" crowd.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Wrong, Bishop Barron, completely wrong

Can be wrong? They usually are wrong when it comes to faith and morals. They have no credibility at all, with all their lies and homo sex scandals. Can't believe a word they say.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

A new way to be a T R A V E S T Y

Father D. Joseph Waugh

Will Francis Visit Ukraine Before His Kazakhstan Trip?

Why doesn't he just stay home and leave everyone the hell alone?
Father D. Joseph Waugh

WATCH: Al Sharpton Claims the Bible Endorses Killing Babies in Abortions - Patriot

Sharpton gots to be in the top 5 hardest people to listen to.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

This Mass in the United States of America has divided opinion. Thoughts?

What kills me is the stupid people just sit there, nobody walks out.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Updated Clinton Kill List: The List of People “Who Mysteriously Died” After Being Associates With …

I would say something about this, but I'm afraid I might end up in some unfortunate accident.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Bergoglio rants again against the Church and denies God in Canada

We really need to stop calling this Jackass the Pope. He is no Pope.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Archbishop Fulton Sheen said that the anti-Church led by a false pope will have a religion to destroy …

Welcome to the gay church people! The Novus Ordo gay church.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Francis In Canada: Pseudo-Apologies And Bright Costumes

Never said I didn't pray for him. I pray for all my enemies. But he is still a Horses Ass and an enemy of The Holy Catholic Church, whether I pray for him or not.