Father D. Joseph Waugh

Francis In Canada: Pseudo-Apologies And Bright Costumes

Ha ha, and the photo of another loser John Kerry duck hunting during his campaign. Another horses ass.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Francis In Canada: Pseudo-Apologies And Bright Costumes

I don't think I have ever seen a more sorry assed individual in my life then the guy on the left.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

[VIDEO] AOC Mocked For Pretending to Be Handcuffed During “Arrest” at Pro-Abortion Rally - Independent

Don't expect honesty from democrats, it's not in them.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

New York Cardinal Endorses Homosexuality

I don't know who is the biggest disappointment in the Catholic Church (besides Bergolio) Cardinal Dolan or Sarah.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Meanwhile in France … … how much more of this is going to be tolerated, I wonder?

Priest and Deacon, two more Novus Ordo Cowards!
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Cardinal Sarah: “Francis Is a Man of Prayer”

A Bergolio boot licker. Perhaps the biggest disappointment of all of them.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

More Anti-Catholics Receive Red Hat

Father D. Joseph Waugh

New Prague Archbishop

Let me guess, the two Bergolio cheerleaders are UV and MM?
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Most Fitting: NO Archbishop Places Himself on a Potty Seat

He was ordained by other satanic farces. Birds of a feather flock together.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

What is the Catholic Church's Official Position on Garabandal? Bishop Juan Antonio del Val Gallo, …

I would take what Padre Pio has said about it over anything the morons in the Vatican say.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Prince Harry: get tested for HIV to protect others in same way as for Covid

Does anyone give a rats arse what Prince Harry has to say? What about what's her name, his wife?
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Obedient Nun Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsDqshslqmyu

This is what the SOB needed all along, a swift kick up the arse!
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Biden Headlines National Prayer Breakfast Days After Launching Campaign to Expand Abortion - LifeNews.com

Never. The people that have the power to do it are just like him.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Cardinal Believes Homosexuality Is “No Sin"

He loves Peter.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

His Own Way: Traditionis Custodes According to Cardinal Sarah (Video)

This guy has to be the most useless Cardinal of all. If not, he's a close second most useless.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

EXPLAINED: Why Is President Trump Pushing The Vaxx? -

I was a hardcore Trumpster, but no more. He is dead to me.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Francis: Swollen Lips

Maybe kissing too many feet.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Paris Archbishop: Resignation Accepted

Isn't this the guy that played Herman in the TV show The Munsters?