Father D. Joseph Waugh

Best meme / quote on vaccines

A great plan. I'm all for it.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

"To defend his purity, Saint Francis of Assisi rolled in the snow, Saint Benedict threw himself into …

Bergolio tells us what the evil one wants us to believe. He is an agent of the great deceiver. The father of lies is Bergolios boss.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Who are those people sharing fake news?

They are trying to make the truth tellers criminals.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Vatican Newspaper Praises John Kerry’s Approach to Climate Change

Jorje Bergolio is an absolute hoax.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Vatican Newspaper Praises John Kerry’s Approach to Climate Change

John Kerry is an absolute hoax.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

New Zealand: Bishops Accept Euthanasia Suicide, Call It "Good Faith"

More useless bishops. Hirelings!
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Thomas Pius "I'm sick of being gaslighted so I want to unpack this photo with truth instead of lies.…

I could be wrong, but I don't think Biden has any idea what it is. He's just there for the beer.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Francis: “You Are Really Communists! Congratulations, Go Ahead"

Anyone still following this guy is following Judas.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Jesuit Father James Martin: U.S. Bishops Overemphasize Abortion

Overemphasize Abortion? Easy for him to say. He has already been born.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Noam Chomsky Endorses Holodomor 2.0 Strategy to Starve The Unvaxxed Into Submission

What happened to "My body my Choice?" I guess it is only good when it suits the libs.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Priest Presides Over Novus Ordo Rubber Boat Eucharist

Here's another moron calling himself a Priest.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Look how they love each other (Pelosi received by Pope Francis)

This is Pelosi and dipshite poking Cordileone in the eye.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Francis meets with pro-choice US SpeakerPelosi, who was in Rome to give keynote address at Pre-COP26 …

Bergolio always has the big smile on for the worst people. Frowns come out when he's around the good.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Australian bishop calls on Catholics to fully comply with gov’t COVID rules - LifeSite

Another Bergolian I'm sure. Ignore him.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Enjoy the Richness! Novus Ordo "Richest Missal The Church Ever Produced" - Archbishop Roche

His colorful hat gives him away. He shouldn't even be in the priesthood let alone the Prefect of anything. Bergolio continues his destruction of the Church.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Priest Commits Horrific Eucharistic Abuse

10 bucks says he's gay.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

And the Pope wants tradition gone but this remains!

I’m appalled.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

USA: Women Dressed As Men Have Entered Catholic Seminaries

Can things get anymore disgusting in the Novus Ordo?
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Pope Benedict: Popes Can't Scrap Liturgy

They can if no one stops them.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Tunnel connecting Jakarta’s main mosque to the cathedral to open in September

No but I heard he has one to Dunkin Donuts.